Are you looking for something to give you an extra push in the right direction to help you reach your goals? Or maybe you just want to join a team that can help you find that motivation you are looking for. Many of you may already belong to SparkTeams that might help you with motivation and accountability, but some of you may not know that SparkPeople actually has a Challenge Central page that has Challenges that are geared toward specific goals. SparkPeople’s Challenge Central offers various “official” challenges that “give you a specific plan to follow and all the information you need to reach a new goal or make a new personal breakthrough.” So not only do you get to be a part of a challenge that is offered by SparkPeople and led by SparkPeople Coaches (along with the help of co-leaders who are experienced SparkPeople members), but you also get detailed information on how to complete the Challenge and you can earn a SparkTrophy for each of the Challenges from the Challenge Central page that you complete! We currently have the following Challenges: Official Tame Your Sweet Tooth Challenge SparkPeople 8-Week Diabetes Weight Loss Challenge Official Stress Busting Challenge Official Spring Into Shape Bootcamp Challenge Official January Jumpstart Workout Challenge Official Healthy Family Makeover Challenge Official Healthy Cooking Challenge Official Better Sleep Challenge Official 28-Day Bootcamp Workout Challenge Official 10-Minute Daily Exercise Streak Challenge As you can see, there is quite a selection to choose from and just about everyone can find a Challenge that can help them work towards their goal(s). We continue to add more Challenges, so continue to check back if you are looking for new Challenges. As one of the SparkPeople Coaches/Experts that lead several of the Challenges, I have seen a lot of members find great success by joining and finishing the challenges. The bootcamp-style Challenges in particular are a great way to help you get in shape, but the other Challenges are great for overall health. The Challenges that we offer are 100% free and make it simple for you to follow. That’s a win-win situation if you ask me! You are not limited to the number of Challenges you participate in, so if you want to do more than one, you are welcome to do so. Also, you can repeat or restart the Challenges at any time; they will remain on the site even after you have finished them. Have you done any of the Challenges? If so, which one is your favorite so far? If not, which one do you think you will try first? Do you find challenges like that helpful in reaching your goals? |
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