All Entries For goal

8 Reasons You Should Never Set a Resolution

A surprising 42.4 percent of people said they fail in their resolution every year? Why? Discover why you should rethink your resolutions if you want to find success.
Posted 1/2/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 103 comments   19,235 views
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6 Surefire Ways to Make Your Resolution a Reality

Resolve to make this year different. Reach your goals with help from one of these free and motivating plans!
Posted 1/7/2014  5:00:00 AM By:   : 14 comments   71,203 views
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The 30-Day Skinny Jeans Workout Plan

Need some motivation to look and feel your best? Take our new 30-day fitness challenge, complete with a workout plan and daily tips!
Posted 10/1/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 95,000 views
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Get Back on the Wagon: 5 Tips to Start Fresh this Fall

You may not be heading back to school like you did in years past, but that doesn’t mean that you can't reinvent yourself all the same.
Posted 9/21/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 121 comments   135,816 views
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Poll: Are Negative Usernames Helpful or Self-Defeating?

A username can say a lot about someone, and I'm always amazed when I see negative and self-deprecating usernames. Could your username have an impact on your success?
Posted 4/17/2013  12:00:00 PM By:   : 922 comments   54,777 views
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Rate Your Commitment to Weight Loss

Are you passionate about reaching your goals or are you just going through the motions? Recognizing your level of commitment can help you attain your goals.
Posted 3/21/2013  12:00:00 PM By:   : 504 comments   138,332 views
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What Could You Accomplish in 4 Weeks?

Give us four weeks and we'll give you everything you need to reach a new health, fitness or nutrition goal. Are you up for the challenge?
Posted 1/12/2011  7:37:09 AM By:   : 30 comments   27,629 views
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What if the 'Unattainable' Really Was Within Reach?

When setting goals, it's easy to put limits on ourselves. After reading this inspirational story, I've learned that dreaming big might not be a bad idea.
Posted 12/21/2010  2:03:12 PM By:   : 72 comments   27,348 views
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Confession: I Am a Fast Eater

One of the final habits I hope to break is eating my meals at break neck speed. Breaking this habit is going to take determination, but I know with your help I can meet this goal.
Posted 6/5/2010  11:00:00 AM By:   : 188 comments   27,621 views
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The Secrets of Success: Be A “Goal-Getter”

During our special 15-day series, "The Secrets of Success," find out how thousands lost weight, improved their health, and changed their lives--forever!
Posted 3/3/2010  6:00:00 AM By:   : 56 comments   39,598 views
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I Have a New Fitness Goal

When I took inventory of my life, I left out a pretty major fitness goal. But it's something I think you should all know about.
Posted 1/27/2010  5:58:47 AM By:   : 131 comments   25,754 views
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My 2010 Goals: What Are Yours?

Goals do not have to be made at the first of the year, month or week. They can be made any time, just remember to keep them specific to you, your dreams and desire.
Posted 1/13/2010  3:00:00 PM By:   : 122 comments   22,398 views
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Getting Off to a Good Start—Again

Are your goals making it harder or easier for you to succeed?
Posted 1/11/2010  5:47:12 PM By:   : 286 comments   38,152 views
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The Changes I Made in 2009

Now with 2009 behind me, taking time to reflect on the past 12 months has allowed me to set the course for the next year.
Posted 1/2/2010  2:00:00 PM By:   : 105 comments   23,987 views
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Did Your 2009 Wishes Come True?

If not, do you know what stood in your way and what resolutions are necessary to achieve them in 2010?
Posted 12/31/2009  6:00:00 AM By:   : 73 comments   16,442 views
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