All Entries For goal

Conquering Life's Mountain

With the New Year less than a week away, laying down a strong support system in the weeks and months to come, will allow us to conquer life's obstacles.
Posted 12/26/2009  2:19:45 PM By:   : 109 comments   22,216 views
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Habits of Fit People: Set a Fun Fitness Goal

Coach Nicole explains the importance of setting a fitness goal--and having fun with it!
Posted 12/4/2009  2:54:02 PM By:   : 201 comments   52,720 views
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Running Down a Dream: I Did Just That in Chicago

We all have aspirations, however we cannot allow self-doubt to stand in the way of living out those dreams, especially when things don't go as planned.
Posted 10/14/2009  2:11:44 PM By:   : 124 comments   22,084 views
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What a Difference a Year Makes

Every successful SparkPerson who runs, climbs mountains, completes marathons or loses 100 pounds started somewhere—with a single step or a single pound.
Posted 10/7/2009  6:17:04 AM By:   : 88 comments   30,731 views
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My Pity-Party Is Over--It's Time To Get Serious

My brief interaction with a fellow runner a few weeks ago changed my attitude about running at a time when I needed it the most.
Posted 10/6/2009  4:14:24 PM By:   : 132 comments   27,531 views
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An Uphill Battle to Cross the Finish Line, But I Wasn't Alone

A runner? Me? Nope. At least, not until I had the support of my SparkPeople friends.
Posted 9/30/2009  3:21:22 PM By:   : 123 comments   26,945 views
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Touching My Toes: What Goal Have You Achieved?

Many times it is the simple things in life that bring us the greatest joy. That is why touching my toes last week became another milestone to check off my list of accomplishments.
Posted 8/12/2009  5:53:11 PM By:   : 83 comments   28,706 views
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Overcoming Self-Doubt: How Do You Do It?

We've all had those times when we set a goal, start working toward it, and then begin to wonder if we're going to be successful. I've been experiencing a lot of that lately.
Posted 8/4/2009  2:16:13 PM By:   : 130 comments   36,418 views
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Being Realistic in Your Goal Setting

Goal setting is one of our biggest motivators to keep us on this journey, but in order for us stay motivated these goals must be realistic and achievable.
Posted 7/1/2009  5:12:24 PM By:   : 81 comments   20,302 views
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New Year’s Resolutions: Have You Kept Yours?

I have never been one to set resolutions, but that does not mean I do not set goals each year. I am a firm believer that goals are what allow us to reach our full potential.
Posted 6/17/2009  6:00:26 PM By:   : 76 comments   10,625 views
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A Lesson in Failure: How I Picked Myself Back Up

Needless to say, my first lesson in failure was a tough one...
Posted 5/22/2009  10:00:00 AM By:   : 273 comments   41,610 views
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How I Finally Turned My World Upside Down

I had spent the past two years avoiding headstands, arm balances and handstands. Yoga teacher training forced me to face my fears.
Posted 5/4/2009  6:06:32 PM By:   : 83 comments   34,112 views
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Does your Body Image Drive Your Habits?

Do you see your body as a sports car or a dump truck? Does your image of your body effect your eating and fitness habits?
Posted 4/2/2009  11:00:00 AM By:   : 60 comments   12,585 views
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