My 2010 Goals: What Are Yours?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
It's hard to believe we are almost 2 weeks into 2010. This blog is coming a little late since we have been undergoing quite an ordeal in the Howard Household. My Mother-in-law was diagnosed with liver cancer only 3 days before Christmas, so for the past 3 weeks we have been working frantically to set her up with hospice while making sure all her affairs are in order.

Even though it seems I have a lot on my plate right now, I did not fail to make some goals to strive for this year. Goals are such an integral part in keeping on this journey I call healthy living, so be prepared--here goes...

  1. Jump rope at least 5 minutes three 3 times a week. Many of you may be wondering why in the world I would choose such a goal. Well, when I traveled to San Diego last May to attend the first SparkPeople Convention, my first meeting with Chris Downie had him leaving the hotel, jump rope in hand, off to do what he talks about in 'The Spark' and that is jump rope at least 10 minutes a day. I thought if he can do it, why can't I? Maybe not every day for now, but I'm working on it.
  2. Take at least 20 to 30 minutes to eat a meal. This by far is one of my most challenging goals--the reason being I have to make myself fully aware what I am doing at all times. I have to make time to eat. So many times in the past I would sit down to a nice meal never really appreciating the taste, texture and smell of the food. It was how fast can I eat so that I can do other things. I am learning to put my fork down between bites while wearing a watch to remind me of my goal.
  3. Focus on getting up every hour while on the computer, even if that means doing jumping jacks, planks, or walking around the house. When I wrote my blog about how prolonged sitting may be detrimental to our health, I decided this was something I had to work on. I have a timer that I set every 55 minutes and when it goes off, up I go.
  4. Run the New Orleans Rock 'n Roll Half-Marathon/ Marathon with over 15 other Spark members in February. This is a dream come true. My dear friend and co-leader of the Road Runners SparkTeam, Gail AKA as Rhynic and her husband Mark, are traveling all the way from Nova Scotia to run. We will be joined by fellow Spark members from Alaska, California, Illinois, Louisiana, Virginia, Nebraska, Texas, Florida as well as another Canadian. What a treat this will be. Little did Chris know that he is the official running ambassador to bringing us together to share in the passion of this sport. So if you happen to live in the New Orleans area and want to come and cheer us on or if you want to run the 1/2 or full marathon, come on down to NOLA on February 28th--the more the merrier.
  5. Run the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon Relay with my SparkPeople colleagues in May. This is something we have been toying with the past few weeks and I thought if they saw this in my blog how could they not commit, right? No pressure, really!
  6. Run the Chicago Rock 'n Roll 1/2 Marathon with other fellow Spark Members August 1st. This time we will have runners from Washington, Florida, Texas and Illinois. If you think you might be interested come on down. Can you tell how I am blending my passions...SparkPeople, running and traveling, now that's a cool way to live!
  7. Run the Hood to Coast Relay at the end of August. This by far will be the biggest challenge but one that will bring me to Oregon, one of the few states I have yet to visit. This is a SparkPeople exclusive team that my dear friends Kate AKA Keakman, Mike AKA Kayakid and Kim AKA KGPossible put together. It is a 197 mile run from Mt Hood to the Pacific Ocean which must be completed in 30 hours or less. How cool is that? And not every team that enters gets in, but we did.
  8. Run the Chicago Marathon on 10/10/10. Never in my wildest dreams would I have even considered running another marathon, but when I discovered it will be run on October 10, 2010, well let's just say I can't pass up the opportunity. Now all I have to do is register. Anyone want to join me?

These are just a few of my long-term goals I have set for myself and what an exciting year it will be. I must say each year keeps getting better and who knows what 2011 will bring. But for now I am ready to take 2010 by the tail.

What are your goals for 2010? Do you believe that goals are the springboard to getting where you need to be in life? Is this the year to ignite your own 'Spark'?