I've heard every excuse in the book and even tried some of them myself. Exercise…who needs it? You do! Here are some of the best excuses ever to skip a workout. Let's see how great they really are! I'm in horrible shape. That may be true, so if that's the way you want to remain, don't work out today. People who are in shape get that way by exercising. Regularly. No, they were not born with six packs. I don't like it. I don't like a lot of things—flossing my teeth, waking up to an alarm, paying bills—but I still do them. Be the mature grownup that you are and do the things you know you should or have to do even if you don't like them. A lot of things worth doing aren't always fun or enjoyable. (And hey, if I can learn to love vegetables, you can learn to love/like/tolerate exercise.) I can't afford it. Your body is yours and moving it is generally free unless you want to get all fancy. Here are 25 ways to get fit for $25 or less (many of them free), plus over 50 free workout videos. Better yet, just get out the door and walk. I don't want to mess up my hair. What is really more important: How your hair looks or how your body looks, feels and performs? I just worked out yesterday. Good for you! That means you're able and equipped to do it again today! I don't know what I'm doing. You also didn't know how to walk, drive a car, live away from home, do your job or raise a child until you just did it. Like many things in life, you can and will figure it out. Start simple. Just do it. I'm don't need to work out as long as I'm dieting. If you don’t want to work out, plan to get about half the results from dieting alone and be twice as hungry. Here's why. Let's also not forget that there are far more reasons to exercise than weight-loss alone: stronger bones, improved health, better appearance, improved posture, less pain, and so on. I'm too tired. Chances are that you'll feel more energized after you exercise than if you skip it altogether. But that feeling of guilt you'll have for skipping your workout will last longer than the tiredness you feel when your alarm goes off in the morning. I heard exercise really isn't that good for you. Well I heard that rubbing mud on your stomach will burn belly fat! (Just because you hear something doesn't mean it's true.) It takes too long. Exercise creates time because you have more energy to get things done and a longer, healthier lifespan in which to do more with your life. Or you can just skip it and shorten your life and decrease your mobility and independence—all in an effort to save time in the present. Does that seem like a fair trade? Everyone has 10 minutes--and that's all it takes. I'm not athletic. If you're sitting there making excuses not to work out, that's probably true. Athletes don't skip their workouts. The good news is there is an athletic person within each of us. It's just that some of us are in training and some aren't. Think like an athlete and don't make excuses to skip your training. Soon enough, you'll unleash your inner athlete, too! I have to work. Regular exercisers tend to move up the corporate ladder and earn more money than people who don't work out. If you really can't get away from the overtime, squeeze in more activity with these workday fitness boosters. I've got better things to do. What's better than taking care of yourself so that you can be your best at everything you do? I don't want everyone looking at me. Everyone else is too busy paying attention to themselves to even notice you. And even if they do look at you, so what? People look at you, think things about you and silently judge you all day long, exercising or not. Repeat this to yourself: "If someone has a problem with me, it's their problem—not mine." I don't like to sweat. Sweat is sexy! Sweat is strong! You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it as a given for most workouts. Or at least try these 8 workouts you'll love if you hate to sweat. I don't look good in spandex. Spandex is not a requirement for exercise. Unless you're still wearing workout clothes from 1983, in which case a little workout wardrobe update is in order. Wear whatever you do feel good in—and it doesn't have to be fitted to allow you to move. I don't have the right shoes. Try a barefoot workout like yoga or Pilates! I don't want to take ANOTHER shower today. Next time, plan your workouts around your ideal shower-and-get-ready schedule, or try these quick and easy post-workout refreshers for when showering isn't viable. I'm too busy. Then why are you sitting here reading this? Get up and move! (And consider this: Someone busier than you is working out right now.) By now I think you can tell that there really are no good excuses for skipping your workout. But I'd still love to hear the best (or funniest) workout excuses you've ever used (or heard from someone else). Share yours in the comments below—and try to counter it if you can! |
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