A certified personal trainer and fitness instructor with a bachelor's degree in health education, Nicole loves living a healthy and fit lifestyle and helping others do the same. Nicole was formerly SparkPeople's fitness expert and editor-in-chief, known on the site as “Coach Nicole.” Make sure to explore more of her articles and blog posts.
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6 Spin Essentials to Get You Through Your Next Class
I have had a strong and unwavering love of indoor cycling ever since I took my first class many years ago. If you're opposed to exercising outside or dread the treadmill, cycling class is a perfect way to get a dynamic cardio workout indoors.
I teach at a gym where a lot of serious cyclists train. They take the class when the weather is too bad to train outside, and they are easy to pick out of the crowd with their cycling shoes, padded bike shorts and jerseys, logoed water bottles, watches and bandanas. This can be an intimidating sight for any class newbie.
Technically speaking, though, you don't need anything special for an indoor cycling class. Standard workout clothes, a hard-soled pair of athletic shoes and a water bottle will do just fine. However, there are a few extras you could consider purchasing in order to make your ride more comfortable—and keep you coming back for more.
Posted 1/26/2018 12:00:00 AM By: : 87 comments 238,387 views

The 100 Best Workout Songs from the '80s
Today, I am happy to deliver the mother of all '80s music lists: 100 awesome '80s hits that are perfect for exercising.
There's a lot of variety here, from dance and pop hits to a little rap and rock. These are truly the best '80s workout songs of all time.
After I created this top 100 list, I asked members of SparkPeople.com, America's #1 weight loss and fitness website, to vote on their favorites, too. Find out which song took the top spot and whether your favorites made the list, and how you can download a brand new 60-minute cardio workout mix of the top 15 songs (as voted on by exercisers like you)!
Go ahead and make a new mixtape--er, I mean update your iPod or mp3 player--with a blast from the past using these "made in the '80s" tunes next time you exercise.
Posted 6/5/2017 6:00:00 AM By: : 458 comments 1,494,677 views

10 Helpful Items to Take on a Spring Hike
Last Sunday, I reveled in the first day of spring by going for a hike at a nearby park. It was sunny and 60 degrees—perfect hiking weather! I'm always a little nervous when I hit the trail by myself because you never know what could happen. That's why it's best to come prepared.
Whether you're heading out for a few hours or a few days, there are a few essentials that I never leave home without. These items make the trail so much happier.
Posted 4/27/2017 6:00:00 AM By: : 131 comments 191,716 views

These Are the Most Motivating Workout Songs of All Time
When it comes to motivational workout music, everyone likes something different. I know people who love to run to instrumental music, otherwise seemingly innocent friends who exercise to hardcore rap and people whose musical tastes in "real" life don't match up with the songs that inspire them to work out.
Personally, I like a huge mix. For me, almost anything that's catchy and has a good beat will work. But sometimes, you need something better than that. Sometimes you need the motivation to get off the couch, or go the extra mile, or push through that heavier lift, or muscle through your first marathon. When you really need a boost, what you need is an inspirational work out song.
Our editors and fitness experts compiled a list—128 songs to be exact—of songs that have fast beats worthy of exercising to, but also have motivational messages and lyrics.
Posted 3/18/2017 12:00:00 AM By: : 358 comments 2,285,596 views

The Top 100 Running Songs of All Time
As a runner, I often turn to music to keep me entertained and motivated during my training runs and races. I love discovering new running songs (even if "new" only means "new to me"), listening to them, and sharing them with others via my blog posts and Facebook page.
I recently asked people to share their favorite running songs, then created a list of 100 titles, new and old, that keep us on our feet and on pace. List in hand, I asked members of SparkPeople.com, America's #1 weight loss and fitness website, to vote on their favorites, too.
Find out which song took the tittle of best running song, whether your favorite made the list, and how you can download a brand new 60-minute running mix of the top 12 songs (as voted on by runners like you)!
Posted 12/8/2016 12:00:00 PM By: : 275 comments 5,165,915 views

10 Questions with Walking Guru Leslie Sansone
Leslie Sansone really walks the walk. For 27 years, she has helped people get in shape by putting one foot in front of the other. Best known for her "Walk At Home" and "Walk Away the Pounds" fitness DVDs, she truly is America's fitness-walking authority. I recently was given the opportunity to interview Leslie via email, and the passion in her answers jumped off the screen.
Read on to see Leslie's answers to member-submitted questions, her #1 secret to keeping her walks fun and interesting, and her top 5 tips to starting a solid walking program.
Posted 11/4/2015 6:00:00 AM By: : 272 comments 613,983 views

Why You Should Have an Affair at the Gym
You put on your sweatpants and baggy T-shirt. Throw your hair up into a ponytail and wipe the make-up off your face. You fill your water bottle and head to the nearest elliptical. Headphones in, you tune out the world, focusing on the show you're watching or that new song you downloaded. You set your sights on the console and the clock, watching the numbers—calories, time, and distance—tick up until you've hit your goal on one (or maybe all three). Get in and get out, that's what the gym is to you. You're not there to talk or make friends. You're just there to get through your routine and go home.
But what if I told you that going to the gym could—and should—be a little more fulfilling? The truth is that having an affair at the gym happens more than you might think. It can change your mind and your body—and how you feel about yourself. If you've been going through the motions lately, feeling uninspired or tied down, then break free from monogamy and bring the excitement back with an affair!
Posted 4/1/2015 6:00:00 AM By: : 99 comments 169,357 views

The 100 Best Workout Songs of 2014
It's the most wonderful time of the year...the time when we release the best booty-shaking, iron-pumping, fat-burning songs you exercised to during the past year.
For the past 12 months, we compiled a list of new and popular songs worth working out to. Then we asked members of SparkPeople.com, America's #1 weight-loss and fitness website, to vote on their favorites.
Find out which song most people worked out to this past year, whether any of your own favorites made the list, and how you can download a brand new 60-minute cardio remix of the top 15 songs (as voted on by exercisers like you)!
Posted 12/19/2014 5:00:00 AM By: : 40 comments 323,344 views

10 Trainer Tips That Will Transform Your Body
In 2011, I was both shocked and honored to be named America's Top Personal Trainer to Watch in the first-ever contest of its kind, which was run by Life Fitness and the American Council on Exercise, and I have continued to be involved as a judge and consultant for the contest in recent years. It has expanded outside of America to search for and name the best trainers across the globe. A few weeks ago, Life Fitness crowned 2014's top personal trainers to watch and a new winner in yet another amazing competition.
I recent caught up with the top 10 finalists (and the winner himself)—the crème de la crème of fitness pros—to share their best exercise tips with you! From time-saving exercise techniques to the best workout you can do when you're short on time, these must-read ideas are like consulting with the most inspiring and credible fitness trainers around the world without leaving home.
Posted 11/12/2014 5:00:00 AM By: : 59 comments 270,295 views

People 'Half Their Size' Issue Features SparkPeople Member's 177-Pound Weight Loss *
People magazine has just released a new "Half Their Size" issue, and this one is bigger and better than ever. The entire publication is dedicated to weight loss and featured some amazing success stories along with various diet plans, workout plans and healthy recipes for ideas and inspiration.
We are thrilled to announce that a long-time SparkPeople member, Brandy (BBANGEL1214), is featured in the issue. Brandy credits the supportive online Community at SparkPeople as making a big difference in her 177-pound weight loss. Way to go, Brandy!
We recently caught up with Brandy to celebrate her magazine debut. Here's what shared some tips from her journey to losing more than half her weight.
Posted 6/6/2014 5:00:00 AM By: : 77 comments 67,205 views

New & Improved SparkRecipes App for iPad
Several weeks ago, we released a much-anticipated update to our Healthy Recipes app for the iPhone. Today, we are excited to share that these same improvements are now available for the iPad version of our app! We are particularly thrilled about this update because iPads are such great tools to use in the kitchen when searching for and following recipes.
Posted 6/5/2014 2:00:00 PM By: : 15 comments 21,244 views

Get in Shape with a New Workout Set from SparkPeople
Good afternoon, SparkPeople!
I hope you are enjoying this spring weather as much as we are here in Cincinnati! I love the changing seasons because it always inspires me to change lots of things in life: my wardrobe, my attitude and even my workouts.
If you're looking to change up your exercise routine, I've got some great news for you!
Posted 5/19/2014 12:00:00 PM By: : 9 comments 31,774 views

Get 'The Spark Solution' in Paperback—and Get in Shape for Summer!
Great news! Our popular book "The Spark Solution" is now available in paperback, which means you can snag what U.S. News & World Report named one of the "Best Diets" around at an everyday low price! (And when you purchase the book, you'll earn 500 bonus SparkPoints—WooHoo!)
Posted 5/6/2014 6:00:00 AM By: : 2 comments 25,266 views

Check Out Our New SparkTeam Features!
Update: 5/1/14 at 3:45 p.m.
We appreciate your feedback. Today we added back links to recent blogs posted by Team members since so many of you commented about regularly using that feature. Enjoy!
Update: 4/30/14 at 10:10 a.m.
Good morning! We are happy to announce that the new SparkTeam features we allued to yesterday (see below) are now live for you to use. Read the original blog post to learn more about these updates. Thanks!
Original Post:
Good afternoon!
Everyone at SparkPeople has been working hard to improve the website (and mobile apps) these past few weeks to enhance our members' experience. Today we wanted to give you a heads up about some changes coming tomorrow (April 30, 2014) to SparkTeams.
SparkTeams are one of our most popular Community features because they allow members to meet and interact with others who have similar goals, interests, geographic locations, lifestyles and more. These new changes will make SparkTeams easier to use based on input from members and Team leaders, plus data on which Team features are used the most and the least. It also comes with a visual redesign to clean up and simplify Team pages.
Posted 4/29/2014 3:00:00 PM By: : 202 comments 20,842 views

Download Our New & Improved 'Healthy Recipes' App for Free!
On the tail of our recent announcement about the new, free Diet & Fitness Tracker app, we are very excited to share that a brand new version of the SparkPeople's Healthy Recipes app is here, too!
Today we launched our new and improved recipe app for the iPhone! Now you can take the best features of SparkRecipes.com—top-rated recipes, cooking videos, nutrition facts and more—wherever you go. With the free Healthy Recipes app, it’s easy to plan healthy meals and shop for nutritious and delicious foods that will help you reach your goals.
Posted 4/22/2014 2:00:00 PM By: : 7 comments 26,872 views
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