It seems like almost every time you turn on the TV there is another award show coming. In January alone, there are the Golden Globes, People's Choice, Critic's Choice, Grammy's (this weekend!) and Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards. Later in winter, the always-hilarious Golden Raspberry (Razzes) Awards take place around the same time as the more serious Academy Awards. And throughout the year, there's a host of music related award shows (like the Country Music Awards) and even MTV has their own Video Music Awards and Movie Awards shows. I'm sure I haven't even listed them all... If you love fashion, celebrity news, or simply think of yourself as a music or movie buff, you'll probably catch at least one of these shows. The performances are entertaining, the jokes and hosts often funny, and the fashion is usually worth seeing. Many people have dress-up parties or get-togethers to watch these shows with friends, often with lots of drinks and appetizers. But you can enjoy the show—and work toward your healthy goals, too—by incorporating SparkPeople's "Award Show Workout Game" at home or with your friends. This workout plan works with any televised award show! It allows you to watch and enjoy the show while also fitting in a serious workout! The game is simple. Like drinking games you might be familiar with, every time the action on the left happens, perform the exercise listed on the right. You can modify the exercises to your level as much as necessary, or even add some of your own ideas. As a bonus, do your own little cardio/dance (even something as simple as marching in place) throughout every musical number on stage to really pump up the intensity. ![]() This workout is guaranteed to make watching more fun—and sweaty! Keep this screen open during the show or print it (click the "Print" icon in the vertical toolbar to the left of the screen.) What's your favorite award show to watch? Will you incorporate the Awards Show Workout Game into your next award show viewing? |
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