Summer’s Farm-Fresh Feast

By , SparkPeople Blogger
One of Nature’s greatest gifts is a summer harvest. Peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, and green beans are a canvas on which everyday cooks become culinary artists, preparing old favorites and dreaming up new dishes to please family and friends. The baskets and barrels of your local farmers market bring the finest fresh produce from nearby farms to your city streets. Peruse the booths, choosing from all the colors of the rainbow to get the greatest nutritional benefit. Experience every possible flavor, texture and scent. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, making use of the local knowledge about what produce is in-season and at peak ripeness. Above all, enjoy the financial benefit of supporting local farmers, taking advantage of great deals, and investing in your health with nutritional and tasty summer treats.
10 Summer Harvest Recipes
Easy Zucchini Parmesan

Crispy Green Beans with Pesto

Italian Green Beans (Easy & Fast!)

Cucumber, Tomato Summer Salad

Summer Ratatouille

For more fun and healthy recipe ideas, visit  “ Add your favorite summer recipe so that we can add it to our cookbook.

Read A Beginner's Guide to the Farmers Market for more information on Farmers Markets.

What is your favorite summer harvest recipe? What experience have you had shopping from local farms?

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