My Fitness Dreams

By , SparkPeople Blogger
By Beth Donovan (~INDYGIRL)

Playing free in the sunshine,
Soft brown hair in tossing in the breeze,
Walking amongst the flowers,
Hearing the buzzing bees.

I discover and I travel,
Without a wheelchair or walker in sight,
Walking down the sandy beach,
On a balmy Florida night.

I visit favorite places,
Like those I used to go,
Disney World and Epcot,
To walk them makes me glow!

To fly there now,
Would really be a treat,
Instead of buying two,
I would only need one seat.

I would ride the rides,
And relish each and every one,
And enjoy the walks between,
My journey has begun.

My body dances in the wind,
On the curls of the ocean surf,
Limitless and full of possibility,
My soul barely touching Earth.

I want to live the dream now,
I know it can be done,
I’ve lost 145 pounds now,
My battle is halfway won.

The inner child never tires,
And now nor will I.
With grace and beauty transformed,
I now aim for the sky.

What is your fitness dream?