7 Ways to Make Fitness More Fun

By , SparkPeople Blogger

Editor's Note: We've asked SparkPeople member MOSTMOM1 to share her favorite fun fitness tools. Read on for gadgets that will turn any workout into playtime!

My husband calls me the Pied Piper of Fun. He rolls his eyes when he says this, but I take it as a compliment. I believe having fun is more important than people realize. For me, having fun usually makes me a nicer person to be around. Plus, it often means hanging out with friends, and that’s good for me, too. So, it only makes sense that I would look for ways to make my fitness fun. Here are seven fun things that keep me moving every day.

Wobble Board
The older I get, the more people remind me how important it is to work on my balance. So, I bought myself a wobble board for my Day 600 workout streak reward. Nothing fancy, but it works, and it’s fun to do while I’m watching TV or whatever. Of course, now I’ve found that they make them with little marbles and mazes. Hmm, sounds like even more fun...

Shwings (Lace-Up Wing Shoe Patches)
I’m convinced that everyone needs a pair of Shwings on their workout shoes. I have silver ones. They may not make me fly, but they convince me that I'm walking faster. Walk like the wind, Shelli!

Giant Bubble Wand
What does blowing giant bubbles have to do with fitness? Maybe nothing. But I love this, and I find if I’m outside blowing bubbles, I’m probably doing something else, too. Like walking, hiking, or playing in the park. You can NOT blow giant bubbles while sitting on the couch. Just saying.

Sock Poi
My kids gave me my first set of poi for Mother’s Day. Spinning poi is kind of like juggling and it’s really fun. This is another outside game, so once again, you’re off the couch. That’s good, right? When you string a bunch of moves together and really get going, you can get your heart rate up higher that you might think. You’ll feel it in your shoulders and back the next day, too. It’s the kind of exercise that sneaks up on you, in a good way.

Hippity Hop
You may not have been on one of these since you were a kid. But guess what? They make them for adults now! And guess what else? It’s surprisingly good cardio! Who knew? I bounce around the yard or park with mine. It also doubles as my desk chair, and I use it for stability ball workouts. Hippity hops aren’t just for kids anymore! Woohoo!

Weighted Hula Hoop
One of my favorite fun fitness toys is the hula hoop. It can be a great cardio workout, and it's good for strengthening your core. But this is NOT a little kid’s hoop like you find in the toy store! Nope. This is an adult-sized hoop. I learned my first hoop tricks with this specific hoop. If you’re interested in the kind of hooping you see at circuses, festivals, and on YouTube, this is a great beginner hoop. Warning: Hooping can be addictive. One hoop leads to another, and another.

Hoopnotica DVD
Waist hooping is fine, but if you’re really going to try hooping, you have to learn some of the cool moves. Trust me, it takes hooping to a whole new level of fun and sneaks your heart rate up at the same time. This is a great beginner DVD. It’ll help you get started on the waist and then teach you a couple of fun moves, too. Before you know it, you’ll be your own backyard circus. And that’s a good thing!

Just goes to show, like anything else, fitness can be FUN! Get out there and do what you love--and the results will follow.