Jump Into July with a New Boot Camp Challenge!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Hey, Sparkers! If you've been following along with us this month, you might know that we ran a "Streak Into Summer" challenge on our Facebook page from June 1st-June 21st. We're happy to say that this format was incredibly successful—over 2,000 of you participated in the challenge! WooHoo! We've been getting tons of requests for more Facebook challenges, so we're delivering a brand new one for July: the Bodyweight Blast Boot Camp Challenge! Here's how it's going to work: 
  • From July 1st-July 7th, we will post one strength-training workout per day that you can do using only your body weight—no equipment or gym required! In addition to the strength workouts, we want you to do at least 30 minutes of cardio every day, plus some other "bonus" activities sprinkled throughout related to nutrition and wellness. It's just seven days—you can do this!
  • Each day of the challenge, comment within the Facebook event to stay accountable and let us know how you're doing. Then, we'll serve up tips and encouragement to keep you headed in the right direction! (PS: If you don't use social media, feel free to start a SparkStreak and update your SparkPage status or blog every day to keep yourself accountable.) 
  • Want to get your friends on board and spread awareness about the challenge? Post about it on Facebook, TwitterPinterest, and Google+  with the hashtag #SPBootCamp!
Sound good? Let's do this thing and kick July off on the right foot! Sign up and join the challenge here before July 1st!

What do you think? Are you in for the Bodyweight Blast Boot Camp Challenge?