Things That Don't Suck about Getting Older

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Yesterday was a pivotal day. I said goodbye to being a 20-something and today I woke up as a 30-year-old woman. 
I don't really feel different, but I also kind of do. Maybe because when I was growing up, 30 seemed so old (certainly I don't feel that way now). It also seemed so "grown up" when I was a kid, a teen, and a college student.  Turning 30 has been on my mind a lot these past few weeks.
My dad, now nearing 60, has always told me that mentally, he doesn't feel any different now than when he was 25; it's only our bodies that show and feel our age. I think I understand that more and more as I get older. Each passing year, whether it's New Year's Day, a birthday or an anniversary, is a chance to reflect, regroup and refocus. You can choose to change or start fresh. But no matter what, these life events remind me that I need to appreciate the passage of time more than I do. It goes SO fast, and I can say for certain that every year I get older, time seems to fly by even faster than it did the year before.
Everyone who is older than me says that life get better with age. But I'll be honest: I sometimes have trouble seeing the upside of things. When my husband threw me a surprise party last weekend to celebrate, I felt sad about all the people who didn't come instead of being happy to mingle with those who did. And now that I'm another calendar year older, I can't help but think of all the things I haven't done—rather than recollecting all of my accomplishments to date. And then there's the big elephant in the room: babies! I thought that by 30 I'd feel ready (I do want kids), but I don't feel any more "ready" than when I was 22. I guess that only shows how little I really knew when I was younger!
Of course, even a glass-half-empty girl 30-year-old like me knows that it's not all bad. I mean, personally, I've always looked way younger than my age, so I'm actually hoping I look old enough to be perceived as a person with experience and credibility. (When I first joined the SparkPeople staff at age 22, my boss thought no one would take me seriously as a fitness expert because I looked, in his words, "15 years old.")  But there are even things about your body, your mind and your life in general that get better as you get older. So to celebrate each day you wake up alive, and each year that passes—and you're still here living it—here's a big list of things to look forward to as you get older (as told by SparkPeople members!).
  1. You're wiser.
  2. You know who you are as a person better than ever.
  3. Insurance discounts!  
  4. You are more secure and confident than when you were younger.
  5. You better appreciate life and the people around you. You don't take anything for granted.
  6. Being carded is a compliment.
  7. You have stronger resolve.
  8. There's still plenty of time to try new things.
  9. You worry less about what everyone else thinks of you and focus more on doing what makes YOU happy.
  10. Love.
  11. Relationships.
  12. Sex.
  13. You're still on this side of the ground!
  14. You can spot "BS" much quicker—and you're less willing to take it.
  15. You see the bigger picture.
  16. You take better care of yourself physically and emotionally.
  17. People take you more seriously.
  18. You run faster. (This is actually true, especially for women whose speeds peak between 35 and 39.)
  19. Senior discounts.
  20. You have found yourself.
  21. You know there is so much more to come.
  22. You get smarter!
  23. You worry less about silly things.
  24. You discover your inner strength.
  25. You're more likely to try new things.
  26. Everything makes more sense.
  27. Having kids. Being a mom/dad.
  28. Having grandkids. Being a grandparent.
  29. In a hostage situation, you are likely to be released first.
  30. You are better able to learn from past mistakes and grow from them.
  31. You're more likely to stand up for yourself.
  32. Perspective.
  33. You know how to work smarter, not harder.
  34. Your earning potential increases the longer you are in your profession.
  35. New doors continue to open.
  36. Your attitude and gratitude.
  37. You care more about having your style than being in style.
  38. Making a life becomes more important than having a life.
  39. You get more relaxed about getting older.
When I was younger, I thought I'd have everything "figured out" by the time I was 30. Now I know that's not true; but I do expect that I'll figure more things out each passing day. I also know and fully believe that getting older can be great when you take care of yourself nutritionally, physically and mentally. When you are healthy, you can slow down the effects of time—and get more out of each passing year.
"Do not regret getting older. It is a privilege denied to many." -- Unknown
Let us all embrace our ages and be grateful to be alive another day!
Do you think that everything gets better with age? What do you think is the best part about getting older?