It hit the airwaves in December 1975 and became the number 1 song by February 1976. I was a freshman in high school, and although I didn’t have any experience in the "leaving a lover" department, the catchy lyrics of the Paul Simon hit “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover,” sure stuck in my head. No disrespect to Mr. Simon, but with the new year quickly approaching, I tweaked a few lines of his hit song to inspire you in coming up with your own “50 Ways to Lose Your Blubber.” Heck, I’ll even help you get started by sharing the first 15. You make a new plan, Stan Count calories too, Sue Cut the sugar and fat, Pat Weighing portions is key. Use a smaller plate, Kate Just mindfully crunch and munch Watch less T.V., Lee And set your fat free! In 2013, I resolve to…
What are your easy New Year’s resolutions to “set your fat free” in 2013? Are there any other Paul Simon fans out there? Share your "lose your blubber" or "lose your lover" stories! Did you "get" my headline pun, or was that before/after your "time"? |
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