Exercises for Strengthening Your Back

By , SparkPeople Blogger

Your back muscles may be one of the most neglected areas when it comes to strength training. And it isn't too surprising since we do not have a daily view of these muscles like we do our abs, chest, even our leg muscles. By focusing just a few minutes every week on building strong, well-defined back muscles you may be able enhance your posture as well as ward off lower back pain that many of us suffer from these days. Training these muscles may also help those of us who have a rounding of the shoulders from the weight of the breast or sitting at the computer for hours at a time.

The back is comprised of four major muscles which include the Latissimus Dorsi, the Trapezius, Rhomboids and the Erector Spinae. By targeting each muscle group, you should be well on your way to better posture and a well-toned back.

Seated Lateral Pulldown

Seated Machine Row

Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug

Assisted Pull-Up Machine

Kneeling Pulldown

Back Extensions on Roman Chair

For more back exercises, view Coach Nicole’s Back Extensions on Ball and Slow Swimming on Ball from SparkPeople's Fitness library.

Do you often neglect strength training your back muscles? What is your favorite strength training exercise for the back?