65 of the Most Motivating Mantras

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Most of us are surrounded by voices. Spouses, doctors, trainers, kids, workout partners—all of them have their own tips, advice and opinions (some helpful, some not so much) about what we should do to lose weight, get fit and lead healthier lives. But when was the last time you listened to your own voice? We all have an inner monologue—and it's more influential than you might think.

Mantras aren't just for yoginis and spiritual gurus—anyone on a weight loss journey can reap the benefits of embracing an inspirational phrase. Whether it's mental, verbal or written, the right mantra can help boost your confidence, create a more positive mindset and keep you laser-focused on your goals. It can help you power through that last tough mile, complete that last rep or resist that tempting cookie. You can also display the message in areas where you often need encouragement, such as your office, kitchen or workout room.

Do any of these mantras speak to you?
  1. Things do not happen. Things are made to happen. - John F. Kennedy
  2. The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start. - John Bingham
  3. If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.
  4. Slipping backwards? You may be backing up to get a running start. - Dan Millman
  5. You aren't fat—you HAVE fat.
  6. Find it and GO! - SparkPeople member BLUEROSE73
  7. Be stronger than your strongest excuse.
  8. You don't have to wait to be confident. Just do it, and eventually the confidence will follow. - Carrie Fisher
  9. You won't drown by falling in the water, only by staying there. - SparkPeople member MYTURN2012
  10. You were made for more than this. - SparkPeople member HOLLYPOTTER
  11. You are as important to your health as it is to you. - Terri Guillemets
  12. Everything you need is already inside you.
  13. I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art. - Madonna
  14. Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're done.
  15. Take care of your body, your mind will follow. - SparkPeople member THEMOTIVATOR1
  16. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. - Jim Ryan
  17. Remember that any exercise is better than no exercise.
  18. Trust the training. - SparkPeople member CHANGINGHORSES
  19. What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what's inside you. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  20. Always be a first-rate version of yourself, rather than a second-rate version of someone else. - Judy Garland
  21. If the plan doesn't work, change the plan—but never the goal.
  22. Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. - Lucille Ball
  23. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. - Aristotle
  24. The first mile is a liar. Keep going.
  25. If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. - Fred DeVito
  26. There will be a day when I can no longer do this. Today is not that day.
  27. If you want what you've never had, you have to do what you've never done. - Thomas Jefferson
  28. Every journey begins with a simple step. - Maya Angelou
  29. Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. - Elizabeth Glibert in “Eat, Pray, Love”
  30. It is never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliott
  31. If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up.
  32. Don't let perfect get in the way of better! - SparkPeople member LAURA.BEALL
  33. You did not wake up today to be mediocre.
  34. Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right.
  35. When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I’ll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. - V.L. Allinear
  36. No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch.
  37. Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. - Sam Levenson
  38. My problems are always smaller than my potential.
  39. We do not stop exercising because we grow old—we grow old because we stop exercising.  - Dr. Kenneth Cooper
  40. Better sore than sorry.
  41. Carve your successes in stone. Write your failures in the sand.
  42. The greatest wealth is health. - Virgil
  43. Fitness happens at every size.
  44. You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
  45. Exercise is king and nutrition is queen. Together you have a kingdom. - Jack LaLanne
  46. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. - C.S. Lewis
  47. Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don't fight them—just find a different way to stand. - Oprah Winfrey
  48. It doesn't get easier—you just get better.
  49. Three months from now, you'll thank yourself.
  50. You can have results or excuses—not both.
  51. Energy and persistence conquer all things. - Benjamin Franklin
  52. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. - Gail Devers
  53. The more you say "tomorrow," the more you'll weigh tomorrow. - SparkPeople member KIWI0284
  54. One bad chapter doesn't mean your story is over.
  55. If nothing changes, nothing changes.
  56. You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way. - Jennifer Freeman
  57. Don't wait. The time will never be just right. - Napoleon Hill
  58. Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. - Jim Rohn
  59. Today, I will love myself enough to exercise.
  60. You didn't come this far to only come this far.
  61. Yesterday, you said tomorrow. - Nike
  62. I have chosen to be happy because it’s good for my health. - Voltaire
  63. Nothing will work unless you do. - John Wooden
  64. Worrying is a waste of the imagination.
  65. Clear your mind of "can’t."
What motivational phrase or message keeps you moving forward? Share it in the comments!