Remember the days when lunchtime meant standing in a cafeteria line and getting served whatever happened to be on the school menu? (Cardboard pizza, anyone?) Fortunately, you’re an adult now, and you have more control over your mid-day meals. On the other hand, you’re an adult now—and, well, adulting is busy. Whether you’re working in an office, caring for kids or grandkids, tending to your garden or recuperating after an illness or injury, it can be tough to find the time, energy and inclination to prepare three healthy meals each day. Lunch is often the toughest one to squeeze in, as it rolls around right in the middle of everything you're trying to juggle. As with any healthy living goal, the key to making it work is advance preparation. If you’re eating the same old thing day in and day out—or, worse, if you’re skipping your middle meal altogether—use this handy lunch planning graphic to get inspired and break out of your lunchtime rut. Simply click on the graphic to open and print it (and don't forget to share!). Links to the recipes can be found below. ![]() Where to Find the Recipes
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