All Entries For New Year's resolutions

10 Chain Restaurants with Diet-Friendly Options

When you make the right choices, restaurant doesn't have to be a four-letter word. Check out these healthier options at a chain near you.
Posted 5/16/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 167 comments   684,484 views
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8 Reasons You Should Never Set a Resolution

A surprising 42.4 percent of people said they fail in their resolution every year? Why? Discover why you should rethink your resolutions if you want to find success.
Posted 1/2/2018  12:00:00 AM By:   : 103 comments   19,235 views
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Keep Your Resolutions with These 15 Health & Fitness Essentials

You have the motivation, but do you have the tools? Boost your chances of success by stocking your New Year's resolution toolbox.
Posted 1/4/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 6 comments   32,107 views
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15 Goals Health Experts Recommend Making

Tired of making and breaking the same resolutions every year? Here are the top goals that trainers and nutritionists wish their clients would set.
Posted 12/29/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 15 comments   55,207 views
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How to Organize 10 Empowering Weight-Loss Challenges

Discover 9 new ways to organize a challenge with yourself, a buddy, significant other or coworker to help make healthy habits stick around for good.
Posted 12/26/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 34 comments   136,643 views
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10 Ways to Get a Quality Workout in a Jam-Packed Gym

Nearly half of people make resolutions, and many of them will join gyms. Here are some strategies for conquering the crowds with your workout intact.
Posted 12/22/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 31 comments   42,314 views
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Your New Year's Resolution Toolbox

You don't need fancy or expensive gadgets to get on the path to a healthy lifestyle, but investing in a few useful products can help to remove any obstacles along the way.
Posted 12/19/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 11 comments   30,939 views
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5 Tips to Keep the Momentum Going

There are simple ways to get back on track and refocus so that this becomes YOUR year of permanent change. Are you ready to get started?
Posted 3/5/2015  12:00:00 AM By:   : 52 comments   74,737 views
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Resolution Revival: Don't Give Up on Your Goals!

Has your New Year's resolution resolve already fizzled out? Here's how to revive it--and keep it going all year long!
Posted 2/3/2015  12:00:00 AM By:   : 28,351 views
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The Biggest New Year's Resolution Fails (and How to Learn from Them)

Learn why others failed to keep their New Year's resolutions--and how you can learn from them to reach your biggest goals in 2015!
Posted 1/26/2015  12:00:00 AM By:   : 20,512 views
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6 Surefire Ways to Make Your Resolution a Reality

Resolve to make this year different. Reach your goals with help from one of these free and motivating plans!
Posted 1/7/2014  5:00:00 AM By:   : 14 comments   71,203 views
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Your Fittest Year Starts Right Here!

For a fun workout plan you can do at home, plus loads of support, motivation and prizes (including a $250 gift card to amazon!), join our popular January Jumpstart Challenge!
Posted 1/2/2014  6:00:00 AM By:   : 63 comments   81,789 views
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A January Challenge You Can Stick With!

Start off 2014 on the right track with our #RockYourResolution challenge. Make this the year you reach your goals!
Posted 12/19/2013  12:00:00 AM By:   : 46 comments   53,806 views
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Easy, Effective Ways You Can Lose Weight in 2013

Dietitian Becky turns to one of her favorite songs from high school for weight-loss inspiration. She encourages you to find "50 Ways to Lose Your Blubber!"
Posted 12/28/2012  6:00:00 PM By:   : 54 comments   40,473 views
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The Easiest Motivation Technique You Haven't Tried Yet

Need a little inspiration to reach your goals? This simple technique takes a matter of minutes and can change your entire outlook!
Posted 1/13/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 117 comments   52,611 views
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