The winners are: JEFFB62, CBONARRIGO, NANCYBRUMIT, BARBARAJ73, JANETJ, JDKJ49, PLMING, ACHIEVECHI, LOVEUNDERLINED, and APRILLSCOTT. If you've spent any time at all on SparkPeople, you know that we like water. A lot. We drink upwards of 8 cups a day and encourage members to do the same. Water is an important of a healthy body--after all, our bodies are mostly water. (Read why we encourage people to drink up.) So when Camelbak asked us to host a giveaway, we said yes! During long or hot runs, my Camelbak is my best friend. I can store my keys, ID, and cash in the convenient packet, and I don't have to worry about dehydration. In addition to their super-cool water "backpacks," Camelbak has a new product: a reusable BPA-free water bottle with a built-in filter. The Groove, which costs $25, is, well, GROOVY! We love it! They say:
Now you can win one. 10 lucky readers will get a Camelbak Groove of their own! To enter, click here! Be sure to read the rules. This contest will end next Friday at 9 a.m.! Do you use a reusable water bottle? How much water do you drink daily? ![]() |
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