Are you obsessing about a certain number on the scale? Are you depressed when you don’t see the number you want? I’m focusing all my attention and effort on about three pounds right now. If you’ve read any of my blogs like Scale Haters Unite! or Pointing Fingers and Calling Names, you know that I’m typically not in favor of focusing on a number. Why would I be totally obsessed about roughly three pounds right now? Why would I be dwelling on it throughout the day and now writing a blog about it? Our brain weighs about three pounds and it controls every single move we make, and every thought we have. My brain determines whether I am filled with encouragement, optimism, and commitment, or whether I am drowning in pessimism, doubt and discouragement. The choice is mine and mine alone. One way of thinking will help me reach my goals, and another way of thinking will guarantee my failure. So my scale is still in the bathroom corner, neglected and currently weighing dust particles, while I turn my attention to filling my brain with the things that will help me have a positive outcome in my healthy lifestyle routine. So how am I building strength in the ''three pounds'' to help me succeed? Here are a few things I’ve done lately: I started gathering a large amount of motivational pictures, healthy recipes, and other things that inspire me on Pinterest. You can find my boards here. Feel free to copy anything that inspires you. I am choosing to craft an attitude that will allow me to be successful, and am trying to eliminate the attitude that drags me down. Think of it as weeding your garden so only the good things grow. You can also find motivational quotes and motivational slideshows at I was motivated recently by one of my team members who gets up every morning and does a one-minute drill of jump roping. At first glance, you might think, ''One minute, so what?'' Well, I decided to do one-minute wall squats. That sixty seconds might not sound like much, but if I could keep that habit up every day for the next ten years, I will complete 3,650 minutes of wall squats. Don’t you think my lower body will be stronger for doing that? Now I’ve added one more minute of brain work. Before I get out of bed, I grab my phone or iPad and look at the motivational fitness pins that I've found and pick a poster for the day. Scrolling through those gives me strength to get out of bed and face the day with courage and resolve. That one minute of setting my mental direction is making a difference in how I face my day. I’m grateful that my friend shared her one-minute philosophy with me because it’s helping me make healthier decisions. Banding together with like-minded individuals on SparkPeople has definitely helped improve the way I think about my life now. The longer I've been on this journey, the more I've realized that even 60 seconds of fitness can make a difference. I’ve also been sharing my food intake more regularly with a couple of SparkFriends to keep me accountable. Just that little action of sharing pictures, recipes, and thoughts about food is helping me strengthen my resolve to eat healthier. It’s the grey matter between my eyes that decides what I eat and any way I can strengthen it to make healthier choices is a good thing. I’ve been ''pinning'' healthy food options and going through SparkRecipes more frequently and making meals ahead on Sunday that are easy to grab and go. Eliminating the need to use the ''three pounds'' to decide what I want to eat when I’m tired and hurried is a way to prevent myself from eating junk. Learning where my potential pitfalls are and finding ways to avoid them has made it easier to go along on the journey. By focusing my brain on positives, I am more successful. Each time that I’m successful, it helps me to get more traction so I can continue moving in the right direction. So my challenge to you is to focus your brain every morning and develop a mindset that will help you make sure that your day is successful. In many ways, I find this easier than thinking negatively about my potential. Not only does it help me mentally, but it also makes me feel physically better, as if I'm carrying a lighter load. Are you winning in the brain game or do you think you need to make a few changes to the way you think? What is a 60-second challenge that you can add to your day that will help you get healthier? Do you have a positive mantra that you can share? |
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