SparkPeople Premium Puts a Personal Trainer in Your Pocket

By , SparkPeople Blogger
One of the most frustrating things about adopting healthy habits and losing weight is that you're an experiment of one. What works for one person might not necessarily work for your particular body, metabolism or lifestyle, so it's on you to test drive various eating habits and fitness routines until you find the one that fits just right. It's easy to drive yourself crazy with all of the information out there telling you what to eat, when to eat, how to exercise, when to exercise and the best way to minimize your effort while maximizing your results.

With all the conflicting information and resources out there, wouldn't it be nice if you could talk with an expert, tell them your story and get personalized advice to help you reach your goals? Now, it's possible with the Email a Coach feature as part of SparkPeople Premium!

SparkPeople Premium is an optional, paid upgrade to your SparkPeople account that gives you enhanced tools and support in addition to those you already get for free now. One of those additional features is the ability to email one of SparkPeople's expert coaches once a week. In this email, you can ask a variety of questions about your SparkPeople program and personal goals. Members have utilized this feature to gain insight into everything from basic motivation to overcoming the struggles that come along with the journey to health. Some examples of the questions members ask include:
  • Why am I not losing weight?
  • How do I get started with strength training?
  • What are your tips for busting a weight-loss plateau?
  • How do I stay motivated without support from family and friends
  • How do I begin again after falling off the wagon?
  • How do I deal with cravings?
The Email a Coach feature guarantees you a customized response based on the details you provide in your email. The coaches on the other side of these emails are some of SparkPeople's Resident Experts with backgrounds in nutrition, fitness, motivation and more. If the coaches need clarification on your question in order to provide the best response, they will email you back a request for additional information, guaranteeing that you get the most complete and detailed response possible.

On the weeks that you aren't in need of expert advice specifically, use your weekly email to check in with coaches to share your enthusiasm for or frustration with your progress. They can offer encouragement during a week when things aren't going so well, and a "woo-hoo!" during a week that is right on track. Sometimes just knowing someone is on your side with an extra boost of support can be the push you need to persevere.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for SparkPeople Premium and you can email a coach today!

See more: premium