Food Showdown: It's a Wrap!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Over the past few years, the bread aisle has steadily become flooded with different varieties of tortillas. Whole wheat, low-carb, and veggie-infused, bread's flatter cousin has certainly brought more options to the lunch menu. Spinach tortillas have become especially popular, boasting a green hue and a virtuous aura of health. But how do they stack up next to multi-grain tortillas? Who wins in this war of the sandwich wraps?

The Winner: Multi-grain Tortilla!

A typical 10-inch multi-grain tortilla contains 210 calories, 6 grams of fat, 33 grams of carbs, and 7 grams of fiber. A spinach tortilla of the same size has similar stats (210 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 35 grams of carbs), but just 1 gram of fiber! The fiber-rich multi-grain tortilla will keep you fuller longer, control blood sugar and promote heart health. As for the spinach tortilla? It's really no better than a plain old white-flour tortilla with some green coloring! For a smarter wrap sandwich, choose a small (6-inch) multi-grain tortilla, and pack it full of veggies and lean protein.

Do you eat sandwich wraps? What's your favorite wrap filling?