Do You Have the Courage to Help Stop Bullying?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Throughout junior high and high school, I was a three-sport athlete, which included school records and state level competition. I attended college on a volleyball scholarship and enjoyed competition and recognition on a national level. Athletics have provided me with some of my most memorable and teachable moments outside of being a parent. They have taught me life lessons that guide me still today.

Sports will be used to tackle the timely topic of bullying in the sixth Family Movie Night presentation sponsored by P & G and Walmart that airs tomorrow, June 11,2011, at 8:00pm EST on NBC. When the star quarterback learns some of his teammates have been bullying the new transfer student, Tyler has to decide what to do. When faced with the choice of standing up for the new student at the cost of friendship and the state championship, does Tyler have the courage to do what is right?

The statistics about bullying are staggering. According to How to Stop Bullying, 77 percent of students are bullied mentally, verbally and physically with cyber bullying statistics fast approaching similar numbers. WOW! According to 2007 bullying statistics, California is one of the worst states for bullying followed by New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Washington.

Bullies also grow up and can show up later in your life as fellow college students, co-workers, in relationships or even as your boss at work. Emotional bullying is one of the most common types of adult bullying. Self-esteem, being assertive and having courage are all important tools when learning how to handle bullying at any age whether as someone directly involved or on the outside watching and feeling uncomfortable.

Family Movie Nights provide opportunities for family and friends to gather around the TV to watch a quality movie with family friendly commercials and teachable moments. If you are unsure how to talk with your children, grandchildren or family friends about bullying, I encourage you to watch or DVR Field of Vision tomorrow night to start the conversation. Then, use some of the resources available at these anti-bullying websites for tools, tips, and techniques to protect yourself and those you love from bullying.

Pacer Center National Bullying Prevention Center

Eyes on Bullying – Preventing Bullying in Children's Lives

Teens Against Bullying

It Gets Better Project

Internet4Classrooms Character Education

Have you or someone you love been touched by bullying? How did you handle it?