50 SparkPeople Members' & Staffers' Goals for 2019

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Got goals? While we're firm believers that you don't have to wait until a certain date to start embracing healthier habits, there's just something about a brand-new year that seems to inject all of those long-neglected good intentions with a much-needed dose of motivation. If you're feeling the urge to wipe the slate clean, turn over a new leaf or (insert your favorite "fresh start" cliché here), the first step is to have a clear idea of what success looks like for you.

If your goal-setting game is a little rusty, we've got you. Some of our SparkPeople members and staffers have shared what they hope to achieve in the coming year, to help inspire you to set the right targets and then get on track to meet them.
  1. Continuing to take small steps to recover from my brain surgery and be a good example of the SparkPeople program in action. - SPARKGUY
  2. Maintain, maintain, maintain! I'd be happy to lose a few more pounds, but maintenance is now job one. - NITEMAN3D
  3. Not give up on this journey despite some bumps in the road! - Margie Reese Pierre
  4. Walk 2019 miles. - M.A. Lee
  5. Participate in a 5K run every month. - Nancy Bennett
  6. Be confident and strong in mind and body. - Regina Marie Jarsak
  7. Learn to meditate with my tinnitus. - Katy Buompensiero
  8. Start strength training with a personal trainer. - Nancy Bennett
  9. Do at least 60 minutes cardio (elliptical or bike) 5-6 times/week. - Nancy Bennett
  10. Show myself the same love I would for a friend or loved one. - Banjorie Moose 
  11. Long-term: To reach my goal weight (155-160) by the end of the year. Short-term: To lose 10 pounds by June, 2019. - Pamela Brown
  12. Strive to eat at least three servings of vegetables a day, ideally four to five. - Pamela Brown
  13. Quit sabotaging myself. - Joyce Stevens
  14. Increase exercise…to start setting detailed, specific goals and not be so vague. - Barbara Julian Chojn
  15. Maintain my goal weight, which will be a first for me! - Kay Larrabee Horton
  16. Find me again. Physically, mentally and spiritually. I love my family to infinity, but it's time to make me a priority. - Suzi Fullam Murro
  17. Motivate myself to practice yoga at home and not just in the gym. – Marian Alison
  18. I have a class reunion in September, 2019—I know there's no way I will be at goal, but I'm shooting for close to it, so 10 pounds a month. That means hard work at the gym and keeping an eagle eye on the nutrition! - Sherry Waugh 
  19. Save $2,200 and to improve my health by decreasing sugar and increasing fruits, veggies and protein. - Towanda Morrison 
  20. Be an improved version of my 2018 self. - Sue Friend Robinson
  21. Be happy, healthy and reach my first goal weight. - Collar Anita Cuffs 
  22. Lose enough weight in order to see if I can live with a deteriorating hip a while longer before surgery. – Donna Galster
  23. Start a walking program, focus on eating better and lose 60 pounds. - Bonnie Royer
  24. Be pain-free in my knees. - Judi Stark-Ellington 
  25. Make myself understand that I'm worth it! Do what I need to be a better and healthier me. Plus, to be under 200 pounds for my daughter's wedding in May. - Barbara Barkocy Merchant 
  26. Find a consistent routine of regular exercise and healthy eating, so I can feel and look like the best me possible by the end of the year. I also really want to overcome sleep apnea. - Donna Schumaier
  27. Cut down on going out to lunch. – Dominic Acito, SparkPeople software engineer
  28. My daughter is getting married and I have a picture of the dress I want to wear. It won't be a weight goal, but a tone goal for my stomach and arms. - Tawnya Heslop Brosius
  29. Walk/run 15 miles a week. - Katy Buompensiero
  30. Be healthier, get off of a lot of medication, and be able to get stronger daily so I can walk and do more. And stay Sparking! - Wanda Brooks
  31. Reach my lowest weight in 12 years! I am one pound away as of today! - Lorie Brunker Schweiss
  32. I reached my goal in 2018 and maintained one of the best bodies I've had in my life at age 47 for six months. Then I found out I had breast cancer. I am 10 weeks post-surgery and I have another surgery in January. My goal is to get my body back by next summer, this time as a survivor! - Darci Dame
  33. Be more mindful about my choices of food. – Katy Buompensiero
  34. Becoming whole foods and plant-based, with no added sugar, oil or salt. - Christina Colletti
  35. Gain strength and muscle, lose at least 10 more pounds and feel absolutely great about myself. - Loida Garcia
  36. Get back to my goal weight, make myself a priority by eating healthier and get more movement in. Rest when I need to and be happy with myself. - Kim Bernard
  37. In 2018 I lost 40 pounds; in 2019, I would like to drop another 40. Slow and steady for me … I LOVE SparkPeople and what tools you have given to help people try and learn to take control of their weight issues/concerns. - Joan Leland
  38. Get back into regular training so I am well-prepared for the 2019 Flying Pig Half Marathon again. – Merle King, SparkPeople customer service specialist
  39. Write, publish, and promote a book. - Stephen Anderson
  40. Exercise three to four times per week; continue with current weight loss goals until I am able to set a final goal. I am currently working at 20-pound goals. Easier to chunk it up when you have so much to lose! – Vicky Franks
  41. I want to...(gulp!) start BODYBUILDING! There; I said it. In fact, it's been a secret desire of mine for decades. Truthfully, I don't know how much is possible at my age (55), OR whether I'll have the dedication necessary for such a feat, but I guess I won't know till I try. I do like to challenge myself by setting "unrealistic" goals and then achieve them. - ALUKOWSKY
  42. Incorporate yoga and strength training into my regular weekly routine. – Katy Buompensiero
  43. One major goal I have for 2019 is to be present. It sounds so cliché, but I spend so much wasted time worrying about stuff that I miss out on the time I am standing in. Aging parents, aging children, the way life has a way of yanking the rug out from under us—my largest objective in 2019 is to spend each day soaking in my favorite faces and maximizing the good feels when I have the chance. – Kelly Kramer, SparkPeople office manager
  44. In 2019, I’m hoping to make healthy eating more of a priority. I’ve always been someone who exercises so I can eat and eat a lot, but as my fitness level improves I’d like to see how much farther I can push my body by fueling it with better foods. I’m also working toward some strength gains in the weight room. – Alicia Capetillo, SparkPeople editor-in-chief
  45. My goal for 2019 is to live in the moment and to be happy. I plan to practice an attitude of gratitude. I will be focusing on managing work, family, pain and weight loss, one day at a time. - Susan Longo Platt
  46. To start over. Tracking food, eating healthy, drinking water, moving more. – Kathy Wrycha
  47. I'm going to work on trying to do a full pull up with no resistance band for support. I can do a half a pull up on my own so far. - ARCHIMEDESII
  48. Organize a fun day every two months with family.  It doesn't have to be anything big, just a new way to spend time together. - Merle King, SparkPeople customer service specialist
  49. Keep working on weight and fitness and eliminate mindless eating (binges). - Elizabeth Cerins 
  50. Continue doing what I can to pay forward the support I received from thousands of people around the world before/during/after surgery by writing at least once weekly on my blog/weekly email. - SPARKGUY
What are your goals for the upcoming year? Share them in the comments to help motivate other Sparkers!

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