Pregnancy Articles

Shoot for the Moon!

Harnessing a Child's Enthusiasm to Achieve your Goals

During the next few weeks I challenge you break that pattern of self-destruction. You have built-in role models in your kids to observe and emulate – really watch how their excitement and zest for life and their built in desire to excel propels them to unlimited possibilities. Then, try to harness even a little of that enthusiasm into your own quest to achieve your goals and dreams. True, with your busy life you may not attain everything you desire immediately. But the results are bound to be better than the status quo! After all, as Les Brown reminds us, it’s always better to “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars!”

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About The Author

Sue Dickinson
Sue Dickinson is a mom, businesswoman, and the founder of, a website designed to celebrate the many facets of mom. Sue is also the author of What's a Mom to Do? Overcoming the Urge to Put Your Life on Hold.

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