Pregnancy Articles

VIDEO: The Best Abdominal Exercises for Pregnant Women

Keep Abs Strong, and Repair Them after Baby Arrives

Use these exercises, led by BabyFit pre- and post-natal fitness specialists, to safely keep your abs and core strong during pregnancy, and use them to repair your stomach after the baby arrives and you're cleared to exercise. Catherine Cram, author of "Fit Pregnancy for Dummies" and one of BabyFit's Resident Maternal Fitness Experts, approved these videos and their content.

For more information about this video, please scroll down to read the text below the video player.

About This Workout

Length: 10 minutes

Equipment: Stability ball

Type of Workout: Strength training (toning) & flexibility

Muscles Worked: Core (abs, obliques), hips and lower back

Fitness Level: Beginning to advanced; all stages of pregnancy and postnatal.

Impact: No impact

Safety Precautions: Get clearance from your doctor or a health care professional before beginning any exercise program. These exercises are considered suitable for all three trimesters of pregnancy and postpartum, as long as you have clearance from your doctor.

If you're new to exercising with (or on) a stability ball, practice caution and progress to more challenging exercises only when you feel comfortable.

Extra Tip: Only complete as many exercises as you can using good form, taking a break as needed. As you progress, try to finish the entire video.

Viewing Tips
  • You can pause or rewind the video at any time if you need a break or need to watch for closer instructions. We suggest watching the video one time through before attempting the workout.
  • This workout will take you through one set (8-15 repetitions) of each exercise. If you want to do more sets, simply replay the video until you finish 2-3 sets. You can also break up these sets into multiple, short workouts throughout your day, provided that you warm-up each time.
  • This video does not include music, but you can play a stereo or CD in the background as you workout. Just make sure you can still hear the instructions.
  • To play the video, simply click on the Play button (bottom left corner) to start.  Below the video screen, you'll find buttons for Pause, Stop, and volume control. 
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