Community Standards and Guidelines
We are all here to work toward achieving our goals of a healthy pregnancy and motherhood and helping others to do the same. In order to create a supportive and positive environment, there are some guidelines we observe when posting on the Message Boards. By making posts, you are agreeing to abide by the following standards:
- Respect everyone's opinions. Even though you might not agree with someone, that doesn't mean they are wrong or deserve to be belittled. Remember that what works for you may not work for everyone else. Give everyone the same courtesy you would expect in return.
- No profanity or explicit content.
- No profile pictures that might be considered "inappropriate."
- No posts that could be interpreted as threatening or harassment.
- No advertising or product promotion is permitted. Any posts created with commercial intent will be removed.
- No links that solicit for donations, contest votes, advertise a product, or promote a direct competitor's website are allowed in Message Board posts or on BabyPages.
- No "posting for points"- meaning you cannot post messages multiple times (whether it is the same message or not) with the goal to get as many points as possible.
- BabyFit has the right to remove a post if it does not meet these standards.
- You have the right to edit any of your posts.
- If you have started a thread (such as a journal) that you want to close, please post a message indicating "THREAD CLOSED." We do not typically delete threads on request.
- Understand that posts made by members do not necessarily reflect the views of BabyFit and should not be taken as medical advice.
- Posts submitted to the BabyFit Message Boards are not considered confidential. These posts may be used by BabyFit for any purpose without requiring permission from the originator.
- Message Boards on the BabyFit website will contain information that can be posted and viewed by anyone on the Internet. Please keep this in mind when sharing personal information on the site.
- The Message Boards are a place to get advice and support from your fellow members. Our experts are not qualified to deal with serious issues like depression, suicide, labor and delivery, or other harmful situations. If you are involved in a situation like this, we recommend you contact a professional in your area , a trusted friend or family member, or call 911 (when the danger is immediate).
- All BabyFit diet advice has been approved by a Registered Dietitian because it is considered to be a serious health issue. Because of this, please be careful about what you recommend to others, as it could be dangerous if you go outside of medically-accepted boundaries. We encourage members to help each other using the BabyFit recommendations.
- When posting news reports or articles, including articles appearing on the site, please post only a few sentences for the reader's information and reference, and include a link to the rest of the content on the original site. Do not post articles, news reports, copyrighted photographs, graphics, images, audio, or other copyrighted material in its entirety unless you have obtained written permission from the relevant copyright owner(s).
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