Printable Workout: Day 2 Bootcamp

This is the printable version of our Bootcamp Day 2 Workout Video. We recommend that you watch the video (and read its supporting text) before trying this abbreviated version.

Wide-Leg Squats

10 reps

Stand tall with feet wider than the hips, toes turned out, abs in, and dumbbells (optional) at your hips, sides or shoulders.

Inhale and bend your knees to lower straight down.

Exhale to push back up to the start position to complete one rep.

Wide-Leg Squat with Heel Pop & Drop

10 reps

Stand tall with feet wider than the hips, toes turned out, abs in, and dumbbells (optional) at your hips, sides or shoulders.

Inhale and bend your knees to lower straight down.  From there, balance and pop your heels up off the ground.

Exhale, keeping heels lifted, and straighten your legs to stand tall. Then drop your heels back down to the floor to complete one rep.

3-Way Lunges

4 reps with each leg

Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, abs in, and dumbbells (optional) at your hips, sides or shoulders.

Inhale to step forward with your right foot and lunge straight down. Exhale to push back up, bringing your legs together.

Inhale to step backward with your right foot and lunge straight down. Exhale to push back up, bringing your legs together.

Inhale to step your right foot across the midline of your body (behind your left leg) and squat down. Exhale to push back up, bringing your legs together to complete one rep.

Repeat 4 times on your right leg and then switch sides.


8 reps

Stand tall with abs engaged, knees soft, back perfectly straight, and dumbbells in front of your thighs, palms in.

Inhale, keeping your back straight and legs stationary, bend over from the waist, reaching weights towards the floor.

Exhale, keeping your back, straight and legs stationary, hinge back up to the start position to complete one rep.

Hip Extension with Chair

10 reps per leg

Place your hands on a chair seat (or its arms), with palms underneath the shoulders, back straight, abs in and feet underneath the hips.  Put your weight on your right leg with your knees soft.

Exhale and lift your left leg straight back, reaching your heel up towards the ceiling.

Inhale and return to the starting position to complete one rep.

Repeat all reps on the left leg before switching sides.

Knee Extension with Abduction

8 reps on each leg

Sit at the edge of a chair with back straight, abs engaged, hands gripping seat, feet flat on the floor and knees in line with the ankles.

Exhale and hinge from the left knee to extend leg, as if kicking the ceiling with your toes. Keeping leg extended, use outer thigh to push leg out towards the left side.

Inhale and use the inner thigh to bring the leg back in line with the hip. Bend knee to return to the start position (with foot on floor) to complete one rep.

Do all reps on left leg before switching sides.