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A 5-Step Action Plan for Achieving Your Goals

Everyone has a dream--learn how to make yours a reality in 5 steps!
Posted 12/12/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 79,322 views
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Hit the Gym Before Sunrise With These 11 Trainer Tips

If the snooze button is your BFF and you're listed as "In a Relationship" with your bed on Facebook, these tips are for you. Trainers offer their favorite morning workout tricks.
Posted 9/16/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 44 comments   75,618 views
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Acquainting Myself With the Kitchen After Years of Neglect

Our resident delivery connoisseur challenged herself to 30 days without ordering food. In this second entry, she shares what she's learned about creating a functional kitchen.
Posted 4/20/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 40 comments   84,599 views
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Breaking up With Brad, My Food Delivery Guy

After surviving on delivery meals for the better part of adulthood, one editor challenged herself to cook healthy at home for 30 days. She shares tips with other kitchen rookies.
Posted 4/13/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 69 comments   44,743 views
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10 Ways to Shape Up Your Gym-Time Decisions

Whether you are in a hurry, low on energy or just unaware, you're bound to make a bad decision at the gym. We can help you turn that decision right around.
Posted 1/22/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 43 comments   70,562 views
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10 Ways to Socialize Without Food

Although it's certainly possible to stay on track with your diet in social situations, sometimes it's nice to have alternatives that don't revolve around food.
Posted 12/22/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 43 comments   57,317 views
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18 Ways to Stay on Track over the Holidays

You've made it through Thanksgiving, but the indulgent holiday season is just getting started! Use these member tips to help you reach your goals while still enjoying the festiviti
Posted 11/29/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 36 comments   61,738 views
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Wired? 7 Tips to Help Tech Addicts Sleep Better

Many people use electronic devices, which may be to blame for missing out on valuable sleep. Find out more about those studies and tips on how to get better sleep.
Posted 11/1/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 19 comments   36,524 views
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Take a Break to Torch the Calories

Looking for fun ways to add extra calorie burning activities to your day? Find out how Coach Denise likes to spend her break times burning extra calories throughout the day!
Posted 9/20/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 69 comments   39,069 views
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I Won't Be a Victim: The Importance of Self-Defense

After a scary incident, Coach Denise reflects about her safety. Find out what happened and what you can do to protect yourself!
Posted 8/30/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 52 comments   36,253 views
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How to Keep Exercise from Zapping Your Energy

Do you find yourself hitting an energy low during your workouts? If so, find out what may be causing it and how to give yourself a boost.
Posted 8/23/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 21 comments   40,654 views
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Fun and Active Date Ideas

More fun than dinner and a movie, these ideas turn date night from sedentary to active!
Posted 8/9/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 31 comments   33,754 views
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Study: The Hungrier You Are, the More Certain Foods Appeal to You

When I get really hungry, the first thing I grab for is usually something that's high in carbs. My growling stomach could be causing me to gravitate towards these foods.
Posted 7/17/2012  6:00:00 AM By:   : 36 comments   45,877 views
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Tips for a Skin Safe Summer

Information to help you enjoy the great outdoors while protecting your skin during your summer fun.
Posted 6/25/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 15 comments   20,517 views
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Sugar, Oh How Sweet It Is

Learn how to indentify hidden sugars and ways to reduce added sugars while still enjoying sweet treats in moderation.
Posted 6/11/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 3 comments   15,599 views
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