All Entries For habits of healthy eaters

It Seems Size Really Does Matter

According to a study published last summer, the size of your fork may be partially responsible for how much you choose to eat at mealtime.
Posted 1/10/2012  6:00:00 PM By:   : 56 comments   24,425 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Don't Make Extra Food

Don't stuff yourself like a turkey this year! Make just enough food for Thanksgiving, and you won't have to deal with leftovers or the temptation of a third slice of pie.
Posted 11/18/2011  6:00:00 AM By:   : 44 comments   18,827 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Out of Sight, Out of Mouth

Learn how you can avoid temptation simply by reorganizing your kitchen--and other tips for resisting junk food.
Posted 8/17/2011  6:00:00 PM By:   : 29 comments   14,356 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Don't Let Yourself Get Too Hungry

Find out what embarrassing things happened when I let myself get too hungry the other night. Let this be a lesson in managing your hunger!
Posted 8/10/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 86 comments   32,217 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Pack Snacks When You Travel

When I travel, how do I avoid paying sky-high prices and eat right until I land--and beyond? I pack snacks.
Posted 6/28/2010  2:25:16 PM By:   : 124 comments   43,029 views
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Extra Helpings: Out of Sight, Out of Mouth

My family always serves themselves from the stove instead of leaving dishes on the table. That practice could be saving us from eating more than we really want or need.
Posted 5/14/2010  8:28:24 AM By:   : 102 comments   18,554 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Celebrate Holidays for One Day

My tactic to survive this weekend is easy: I'm celebrating the holiday for one day. The rest of the week is business as usual.
Posted 12/25/2009  10:22:50 AM By:   : 72 comments   17,090 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Quit the Clean Plate Club

Was your household one that enforced the "Clean Plate Club"? Did you know that could be hurting your weight-loss efforts?
Posted 2/18/2009  4:01:24 PM By:   : 145 comments   19,017 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Cook at Home

Forget becoming the next Bobby Flay, Julia Child or Emeril. Can you cook to save your life?
Posted 2/11/2009  4:21:43 PM By:   : 202 comments   24,794 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Measure Portions

Measuring portions helps keep you on track, and it keeps you from convincing yourself you only had "a few" chips when you know the bag was full when you opened it.
Posted 2/6/2009  2:05:14 PM By:   : 202 comments   24,636 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Shop the Perimeter

Want to learn how to eat better? Stepfanie's new blog series shares "The Habits of Healthy Eaters." First step: Avoid the middle aisles.
Posted 1/15/2009  2:10:40 PM By:   : 145 comments   46,122 views
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