Instead of being thankful for the things I can do, it’s much easier for me to get frustrated about the things I can’t. I’d love to be able to run an 8 (or even 9!) minute pace comfortably. I’d love to be naturally flexible without having to work at it, and it would be great if I had endless energy for my early morning workouts. I demand a lot from my body, and honestly, it gives me a lot in return. I think I need to take a more positive attitude towards my body and my accomplishments. How about you? It makes me tired just thinking about all of the things I do on a daily basis. I take care of three wonderful (but exhausting) children. Most days I’m up at 5 a.m., either working out or getting work done before the kids get up. I try to make the most of my days, whether it’s getting things done at home, having fun with the kids, or working on something for SparkPeople. I know there are thousands of women out there just like me, and many with even more responsibilities on their plates. Yet, I still find reasons to criticize my lack of progress or the fact that my body doesn’t look like it did before I had three kids. Every day I see posts on the site from members who are frustrated. Perhaps they aren’t losing weight as quickly as they’d like (“I’ve only lost 10 pounds instead of 15 like I’d hoped”), or their 5K training is progressing slower than expected (“I should be walking 20 minutes by now but I can only walk for 10”). I understand what it’s like when your body isn’t doing exactly what you’d like it to do. But I also think it’s important not to overlook what you have accomplished. As long as you’re continuing down the path to a healthier lifestyle, is it okay if it takes you a little longer to get there? I think so. If you can’t Be Your Own Cheerleader or your Own Best Motivator, who else will? Maybe it’s time to start celebrating all of the wonderful things you can do, instead of being so hard on yourself when you fall short. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s important to challenge your body and keep working toward bigger life goals. But if you didn’t reach the time goal you set for your last race, or you still don’t have the body of a supermodel despite reaching your weight loss goal, did you fail? Not at all. I’d still consider you to be a success. What do you think? |
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