Food Showdown: Battle of the Breakfast Cereals

By , SparkPeople Blogger
When I was growing up, my parents kept our pantry stocked with at least five different kinds of cereal, and I spent many a Sunday morning eating it out of a bowl the size of my head while reading the comics. I got smarter about portion control in college, but cereal remained my favorite sweet and crunchy breakfast and late-night studying snack. I would try to gravitate toward healthier, whole-grain varieties, and two of my favorite old standbys were Kashi GoLean Crunch and Barbara's Peanut Butter Puffins. These seemed to be good choices, as both of them boasted all-natural ingredients and whole grains. However, despite the health claims that these two cereal boxes tout, both of them still contain some sugar—and one contains much less than the other. Out of these two seemingly healthful cereals, which one is the ultimate low-sugar winner?

The Winner: Barbara's Peanut Butter Puffins!


(Source: Flickr)
Despite the healthy-sounding name of the cereal, just one serving of Kashi GoLean Crunch contains 13 grams of sugar—that's over three teaspoons! The Peanut Butter Puffins come out on top with just 6 grams of sugar per serving. However, Kashi GoLean Crunch does have some redeeming qualities: it has 9 grams of protein and 8 grams of dietary fiber, whereas the Puffins only contain 3 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber. For a cereal with maximum protein and fiber with just a touch of sweetness, try Kashi GoLean Original (6 grams of sugar, 13 grams of protein, and 10 grams of fiber per serving). For a high-fiber choice with virtually no sugar, dig into a bowl of plain Shredded Wheat (0.5 to 1 gram of sugar per serving and 6 grams of fiber, depending on the variety).
What's your favorite healthy cereal?