Dear Evil Twin, I’m writing this letter because I have a few things that I need to say to you. Please understand that I call you my evil twin with all due respect. As a reference, I am including a picture so there is no confusion as to who I am talking to. I wanted to write and finally tell you THANK YOU. I feel like I owe you that for teaching me so many things about myself. First and foremost, I want to thank you for teaching me that I have the ability to change. I really didn’t think I could for a long time. So many times I settled for the way things were. I now realize that I do have the power to change. I did not have to settle for life as I had come to know it. I did not have to settle for the life I was leading for myself or my family. It was a difficult lesson that took me awhile to learn, but I did learn it and I credit you for that. Because I learned that I can change, I also learned that I must live my life with intention. Most of the time when I lived in your body, I wasn’t intentional at all. You see, when I lived inside your body, the only things I did by intention were eat and sleep, usually in that order. I didn’t pay any attention to what I was eating, how much I was eating or even when I was eating, for that matter. I’ve learned a great deal about being intentional with everything I do, because I’ve also learned that everything I do matters. Thank you for the lesson that everything I do matters and that everything I do counts. This was a great life lesson that I needed to learn. There are people watching my every move. These people may be co-workers, family, friends, but the most important eyes that are watching are those that belong to my daughters. I now know that everything I do matters to them. They are taking in everything around them. They are learning from the habits that I follow today. These are healthy habits for the most part and I owe that to you, my evil twin, for teaching me that lesson. Another great lesson I’ve learned is about my relationship with food. I never viewed food as a fuel for my body before. I now know so much more about what I put in my body and I owe that to you as well. Food is now my fuel and I pay attention to everything I put in my mouth. I still enjoy what I eat, and even indulge from time to time. It is my mindset that is different now. I’ve also learned that, as a once extremely picky eater, I can be reformed. I’ve tried more fruits, vegetables, and other foods in the last two years than I would have ever imagined. I’ve learned what real endorphins are and I’m in love with them. As a runner, I can honestly say I’ve had that 100% natural high of the endorphin rush. That has to be one of the greatest natural feelings on the planet. You have also helped me find my real passion. I have the honor and privilege of helping others achieve their own goals with health and wellness. This is a passion I would not have known had it not been for you, my evil twin, and for that I must say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I truly embrace the lessons that you have taught me. I will forever be grateful to you, my evil twin. However, I don’t want you to be offended when I say you are no longer welcome in my life. I mean, you will always be a part of my life. I can’t change that fact. What I really mean to say is that I don’t care to 'see' you again. You were my life for too long; I know that now. And I’ve changed, a lot. Sincerely, Jerome PS – a quick note to my current and future self – I commit to maintaining this healthy lifestyle for my family, my friends and most of all, myself. What letter would you write to your twin? ![]() Jerome today after losing 100 pounds. |
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