Did you know today is National Peanut Butter Day? In honor of our favorite nut butter day, we decided to share some fun facts with you. Read on for a super-cool graphic, our best peanut butter recipes, and a poll with an urgent question: chunky or creamy? In case you're curious (or perhaps craving some creamy or chunky PB), here's the nutrition info for a serving of peanut butter:
Now that we've whetted your appetite for peanut butter, how about some recipes? Try these: Peanut butter and chocolate recipes Savory peanut butter recipes Sweet peanut butter recipes How to make peanut butter Oh and want to venture beyond peanut butter and jelly? Read this. (Psst… we think our graphics are pretty neat, plus they're a great way to spread the word about SparkPeople. Check out the bar on the left to see all the ways you can share this page.) What is your favorite way to eat peanut butter? Sources: http://www.peanutbutter.com/article/detail/115167/skippy-peanut-butter-fun-facts http://www.nationalpeanutboard.org/classroom-funfacts.php Go Nuts about Nut Butters, SparkPeople.com |
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