Healthy skin can be yours in an instant. Reveal soft, smooth skin with a quick shower and scrub with a loofah or an exfoliating shower gel. Afterwards, moisturize with your favorite scented lotion to stay silky and hydrated all day long. A little extra color can also increase your confidence factor in a hurry. Avoid sun exposure, but get that splash of tan with a self tanner. Lotions with a hint of glitter or bronzer can also go a long way toward giving your skin a little extra sparkle!
Don’t hide in the dark, but if it makes you more comfortable, dim the lights! Overhead lights may feel like a spotlight accentuating all your flaws, so use a dimmer switch, a side lamp or candles to cast the perfect mood lighting.
Not only does good posture help you look taller, but it can actually make you look instantly slimmer. Not to mention that the simple act of standing up straight can make you feel more confident. So stand tall and sashay into the room like you own it!
Practice makes perfect, so if you’re not comfortable unclothed, go nude more frequently. With more experience, it’ll start to feel more natural. Chores in the buff? Why not!
Don’t focus on your flaws when your clothes are off. Instead, accentuate your best features! Do you have the prettiest eyes in town? Go for a smoky eye look to make them really pop. Were you born with the luscious lips of a movie star? Perfect that pout with a pretty lip color. Have gorgeous locks? Let loose and wear your hair down. There's also nothing wrong with leaving a little to the imagination in the bedroom; the right piece of lingerie can help you highlight your best features. These tiny accentuations might not seem like a big deal, but they can add up to a big boost in self-confidence.
Above everything else, stop the worries! Chances are that you're not busy critiquing your bed buddy, checking out her flaws or thinking he needs to firm up his arms. You're with this person for a reason, so remember that your partner is choosing to be with you, too! If your lover can appreciate your beauty, why can't you? Besides, nothing will kill the mood more than a partner who is down in the dumps over something silly like not having the perfect abs or needing more toned triceps.
Remember: Feeling confident—naked or clothed—is more about your brain than your body! So embrace a sexy attitude and keep your focus on your positive features. You are your own worst critic, so make every effort to silence that negative voice, clothed or not.
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Written by Erin Whitehead, Health and Fitness Writer
You might think that you'll be at your sexiest if you lose 10 more pounds, or when you can fit back into those skinny jeans you've been holding onto. But you shouldn't constantly cover yourself up just because you're not at your ideal weight or feel self-conscious about a certain area of your body. If you want to look better naked now--not 10 pounds from now--then follow these quick and simple tips.
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Healthy skin can be yours in an instant. Reveal soft, smooth skin with a quick shower and scrub with a loofah or an exfoliating shower gel. Afterwards, moisturize with your favorite scented lotion to stay silky and hydrated all day long. A little extra color can also increase your confidence factor in a hurry. Avoid sun exposure, but get that splash of tan with a self tanner. Lotions with a hint of glitter or bronzer can also go a long way toward giving your skin a little extra sparkle!