Blood clots, such as deep vein thrombosis in the legs or a pulmonary embolism in the lungs, are rare, but frequently fatal. This is cause for concern, because Mayo Clinic researchers who recently reviewed 30 years of medical records found that pregnant women and new moms (within 3 months postpartum) are four times more likely to experience blood clots, compared to non-pregnant women. Risk factors for blood clots include: obesity, a history of clots, and prolonged bed rest during pregnancy. BabyFit Tip: If you think you may be at risk for a blood clot, discuss your concern with your doctor. She may recommend the use of a leg compression device, designed to help get blood moving. Doctors and experts also recommend that new moms get out of bed and start walking as soon as possible to prevent a fatal clot from occurring. *Researchers caution that because nearly all the women in this study were white, these findings may not apply to women of other races. While on bed rest or when recovering after delivery, discuss with your doctor just how much activity you are allowed to do. Get her clearance for each of the following in-bed activities, which promote circulation:
Clot Risks Higher for Pregnant & Postpartum Women
Pregnancy & Post-Pregnancy News Flash
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