Don't Miss the SparkPeople Convention This Saturday

In May, we held our first-ever SparkPeople Convention in San Diego, California. You asked us to bring these events closer to you, so we're happy to announce that we will be holding two more exciting events in 2009! Below, you'll find the event details, prices and registration options so you can reserve your spot today!

Cincinnati “Spark Your Life” Convention – September 26, 2009

The next “Spark Your Life” Convention will take place in Cincinnati, Ohio—the hometown of SparkPeople—on Saturday, September 26, 2009!

Bring all the fun, fitness and motivational aspects of the site to life as you spend the day listening to inspiring stories, learning from our experts, working out with our coaches, and meeting up with your SparkFriends! Highlights of the day's events include:
  • A morning river-view walk and/or run through Covington, Kentucky, led by SparkPeople Coaches Jen and Nancy!
  • Motivation to "Make your life an Adventure" from Chris "SparkGuy" Downie, SparkPeople's Founder and CEO
  • The secrets of our most successful members
  • An opportunity to ask questions during our expert panel discussion with Coach Dean and others
  • Lunchtime workouts, including an outdoor walk and a group routine, led by Coach Nicole
  • Informative presentations by SparkPeople coaches that will “jump start” your program and help you reach more goals
  • Opportunities to earn SparkPoints, spin a real-life SparkPoints Wheel, and win prizes throughout the day Interaction with other SparkPeople members just like you!
Space is limited! For details about the day's activities, including nearby hotels, and to register for this once in a lifetime event, click here. Please note: Online registration for this event is now closed, but you can register in-person the day of the event at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center.

SparkPeople's "Spark Your Life" Convention is sponsored by:


SparkPeople Speaker Series at “I Can Do It” Conference Tampa, Florida – November 22

Be one of the first to hear Chris “SparkGuy” Downie, CEO and founder of, share details about his forthcoming book The Spark on Sunday, November 22, 2009, in Tampa, Florida. He'll be making a special appearance in a speaker series at the “I Can Do It” Conference, created and put on by Hay House, the publisher of many inspirational books, including The Spark.

To enhance your experience, there will be a number of SparkPeople activities planned throughout the weekend—especially on the day of Chris' talk (November 22). A few highlights include:
  • A SparkRally on Sunday, November 22 (before Chris’ presentation). Local members will lead walkers of all speeds and fitness levels through an outdoor "Walk and Talk" session (weather permitting. Meet up with other members and start your afternoon off right with this optional workout.
  • A “meet & greet” with Chris at the SparkPeople’s “Spark Your Life” Booth, located within the “I Can Do It” Exhibit Hall.
  • The opportunity to earn SparkPoints, spin a real-life SparkPoints Wheel and win prizes at the SparkPeople’ “Spark Your Life” exhibit booth.
To learn more about this exciting “I Can Do It” event and to register, click here.