Your January Jumpstart Workout Plan

What's the most popular New Year's resolution year after year? Losing weight (and getting in shape). If you've made a goal to drop pounds, tone up and work out more regularly in 2012, SparkPeople's January Jumpstart Workout Challenge can help!

Our Coach Nicole created this 7-day workout plan for people of all fitness levels, but it does involve daily exercise and a real commitment. That may sound daunting, but each workout can be tailored to your own fitness level, and you also get to pick activities that you enjoy. All you need to get started is a little willpower—and a set of dumbbells.

How it Works
  • Do one video (below) each day. Each video will only take you about 10 minutes to complete. For some of the videos, you'll need a set of dumbbells (but if you don't have any, you can improvise with no weights OR other weighted objects such as soup cans or water bottles). If you want to work harder or increase the intensity, repeat the video one or two more times.
  • Do five 30-minute cardio sessions per week. You pick the activity and intensity. Need ideas? How about over 110 cardio workout ideas to get you started! The more variety, the better! If you're new to exercise, aim for 30 minutes (or as close to that as you can manage, gradually increasing over time). If you've been at it a while, go longer—up to 60 minutes per session. And remember: That 30 minutes can be broken up into smaller chunks of time throughout the day if that better fits your schedule.
  • Follow the plan for 4 weeks. Four weeks of daily exercise is no small feat! This a great introduction to exercise if you're just starting out. Our videos make strength training easy with detailed instructions on form and visuals of correct form. But even if you're an avid exerciser, following this plan for a few weeks can add variety to your current program, which can help you bust a plateau and continue seeing results.
Refer to the chart below for the January Jumpstart Workout Plan . (Click on each link to see the video and find info about tracking each individual workout.

Video Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Cardio (none) 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes (none)

More Workout Tips
Feel confused about this? Find the answers to common questions below.

What if I miss a day?
If you miss a day, you can move on to the next day or do two videos in one day. This workout plan should be thought of as a guideline, so if you mess up here and there, don't worry—just get back to it!

How can I track my workouts?
All of our Bootcamp videos are integrated into your SparkPeople Fitness Tracker. Simply go to your Fitness Tracker and search for any keyword from the video's title to add it to your tracker. You can also click the "Track Calories Burned" button that appears under the video screen to add it to your tracker.

What if I can't do some of the exercises?
Most of the videos will give you ideas to modify your workouts. But if there's any reason you can't do a certain exercise, don't feel pressured to try it. You can modify it as instructed, decrease your range of motion, use less weight (or no weights), or just skip the exercise entirely. Be sure to listen to your body and work at your own pace.

When should I start?
You don't have to start this fitness plan on any particular day or week. The workout challenge was designed to begin (Day 1) on a Sunday. However, you can start Day 1 on any day of the week. Or if you'd rather, you can begin in the middle of a week, starting on a Tuesday with Day 3, for example. As long as you do the videos in order, you don't need to worry about which specific days you do them on.

What if I have more questions or need support?
Join our January Jumpstart Workout Challenge to connect with other people who are following this workout plan. There, you'll also get weekly emails to help you stay motivated and reach your goals!

Overall, this workout plan will make sure you're targeting each of your major muscle groups to get your body into great shape. By doing a different workout each day, you'll have more fun and be more likely to stick with it! Enjoy!