All Entries For ~indygirl

Chew on This: Cookout Facts + Trivia

Before you head to this weekend's end-of-summer barbecues, we wanted to share some fun facts and trivia about your favorite cookout foods.
Posted 8/30/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 24 comments   35,836 views
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Down 143 Pounds, Ann Shares Her Story*

EMMABE1 has lost 143 pounds and counting with SparkPeople. Ann, who is from Australia, recently answered ~INDYGIRL's questions via email. Read her amazing story!
Posted 8/26/2011  10:00:00 PM By:   : 189 comments   52,002 views
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Staying on Track: Instant Gratification vs.Long-Term Goals

How do you fight the urge to give in to instant gratification when you have a long road ahead of you? ~INDYGIRL shares her best tips.
Posted 8/19/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 85 comments   32,290 views
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Dealing with Emotional Eating

We don't always eat because we're hungry. We eat because we're bored, upset or lonely. So how can you cope? ~INDYGIRL shares her tips.
Posted 8/12/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 51 comments   33,230 views
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How Blogging Helps You Reach Your Goals

Having lost 150+ pounds using SparkPeople, ~INDYGIRL has discovered that blogging can help. How? She explains.
Posted 8/5/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 121 comments   28,881 views
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Bigger Products for Bigger Fun

Who says that you can't have fun in the summer just because you're a person of size. Not ~INDYGIRL. She shares products to make summer even funner--er, more fun!
Posted 7/29/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 17 comments   32,496 views
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I'm Almost To Goal, So Now What?

~INDYGIRL has been slowly and steadily losing weight for years. Her goal is in sight, but she's nervous. What comes next? Of course, she has a plan!
Posted 7/22/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 739 comments   44,893 views
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15 Hunger-Fighting Foods

Having lost 150+ pounds with SparkPeople, ~INDYGIRL knows how to keep hunger at bay. She shares her favorite foods.
Posted 7/15/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 90 comments   58,487 views
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Focus on What You CAN Do, Not What You CAN'T

So what if you're not at your goal weight or you can't run a 5K. Don't worry about that! Think of all the things you CAN do, right now.
Posted 7/8/2011  6:00:00 AM By:   : 112 comments   26,854 views
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How I Found Freedom--and Realized We All Have Choices

At 460 pounds, ~INDYGIRL thought she had no choices left in life. She was wrong. Today, 150 pounds lighter, she shares her story. A must-read for anyone who has felt helpless.
Posted 7/1/2011  9:00:00 AM By:   : 249 comments   35,731 views
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5 Ways to See The Bright Side (It Could Help You Lose Weight!)

Seeing the brighter side of things not only makes life more pleasant but can also help you lose weight. Learn how ~INDYGIRL stays positive.
Posted 6/24/2011  10:00:00 AM By:   : 87 comments   40,734 views
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Make Yourself Happy Without Eating

Learn how to make yourself happy without eating, with great tips from ~INDYGIRL!
Posted 6/17/2011  2:00:00 PM By:   : 75 comments   36,149 views
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Will Power: Find Your Inner Cause

What motivates you to lose weight and stay healthy might not motivate someone else. That's why we all have to follow our own path, says ~INDYGIRL, who has lost 150 pounds!
Posted 6/10/2011  5:07:39 AM By:   : 99 comments   28,125 views
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~INDYGIRL and Team Host a SparkRally

~INDYGIRL and friends hosted a SparkRally just outside Cincinnati in late May. Read all about this awesome event!
Posted 6/3/2011  10:20:28 PM By:   : 78 comments   20,069 views
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How I Stop a Binge

~INDYGIRL shares her best tips for stopping a binge.
Posted 5/27/2011  2:09:08 PM By:   : 387 comments   364,356 views
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