All Entries For muscle soreness

Relieve, Restore and Reset Your Back with These 10 Products

Back aches and pains brought on by the rigors of everyday life can become a thing of the past with these 10 products that help you stretch, soothe and strengthen your sore back.
Posted 6/6/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 77 comments   44,033 views
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You Asked: ''Should I Work Out Today If I'm Still Sore from Yesterday's Workout?''

Learn whether you should workout or go to the gym when you (and your muscles) are sore. Here's how to tell whether or not you should exercise or take a rest day.
Posted 10/3/2012  12:00:00 AM By:   : 37 comments   1,282,434 views
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Could Tart Cherry Juice Combat Muscle Soreness?

As more people turn away from conventional over-the-counter meds for muscle soreness, read how a more natural approach is gaining ground among exercisers.
Posted 7/21/2010  2:35:33 PM By:   : 133 comments   42,669 views
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Cup of Joe Eases Exercise Pains

For many morning exercisers, a cup of coffee is part of the pre-workout routine. But according to a new study, coffee can also help lessen some of the pain of working out.
Posted 4/7/2009  6:16:26 AM By:   : 135 comments   13,040 views
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4 Tips to Avoid Exercise Burnout & Stick to Your Plan

Are you guilty of doing too much too soon? Learn the top signs of overtraining, plus get expert tips to prevent your fitness fire from burning out.
Posted 1/13/2009  8:13:41 AM By:   : 74 comments   55,156 views
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The Benefits of Massage Therapy

At one time, a massage was considered a luxury for many; but today many athletes and non-athletes alike no longer consider them luxuries but a necessity to help speed recovery.
Posted 11/1/2008  6:01:23 AM By:   : 145 comments   20,699 views
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Fitness Defined: Active and Passive Recovery

When you're sore from a workout, the right kind of recovery is important. Find out whether you should skip the gym entirely or work out anyway.
Posted 10/28/2008  7:39:45 AM By:   : 74 comments   56,227 views
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If Some is Good, More Must Be Better, Right?

Do you have the all or nothing mentality when it comes to exercising? Would you recognize the symptoms of overtraining?
Posted 10/1/2008  6:05:01 AM By:   : 63 comments   17,545 views
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You Asked: Does Lack of Soreness Mean You Aren't Exercising Hard Enough?

Find out the answer once and for all!
Posted 8/22/2008  4:00:44 PM By:   : 81 comments   365,804 views
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