You Asked: ''What Are the Benefits of Drinking More Water?''

By , SparkPeople Blogger
As a whole, we are made up of 70% water. Water regulates every function in our bodies. Water flushes out waste and toxins. It also transports all the necessary nutrients we need to look and feel good. It flushes out impurities in the skin; when skin cells are hydrated, they plump up to give you a good complexion. Also, muscles that are hydrated look more toned because they are made of 70% water. Not drinking enough water is similar to depriving that less-than-vibrant plant you water every few weeks. The plant will survive, but at what expense.

Other benefits of drinking water include:
  • Helps digest food 
  • Lowers Blood pressure 
  • Reduces Constipation 
  • Lessens Asthma 
  • Eases Depression 
  • Metabolizes fat 
  • Supports healthy hair and nails 
  • Carries more blood and oxygen to your face
  • Eases irritability 
  • Regulates body temperature so you don't get too cold or too hot 
  • Suppresses appetite 
  • Prevents water retention 
  • Reduces stress 
There are so many aches and pains that most people attribute to being old, sick or tired that are probably just a case of dehydration. Even a lack of concentration and focus can be attributed to a lack of water. It only makes sense, considering our brains are made up of 90% water. Those nagging headaches we often get, that most people shrug off as part of life, can also just be a case of dehydration. What about those painful joints that we complain about? Water works as a lubricant: When we're hydrated, the two opposing surfaces (for example, the femur and the tibia at the knee) will glide freely, causing less pain.

Since water is so good for so many things, doesn't it just make sense to make sure you're well-hydrated at all times?

See more: you asked water