Remember that SparkRallies are created, planned and hosted by members of That means that SparkPeople is not responsible for SparkRally events.
- SparkPeople employees and staff neither supervise nor attend SparkRallies. Consult your physician before starting any fitness program or activity.
- SparkPeople is not responsible for transportation to or from SparkRallies.
- SparkPeople is not responsible for actions or events that take place during SparkRallies or in transit to and from SparkRallies.
- SparkPeople is not responsible for assigning, collecting or refunding fees charged by SparkRally organizers, so be careful and practice good judgment when deciding whether to make a payment to an organizer or host. A SparkRally organizer should clearly tell all attendees prior to the event if they are expecting donations or fees, and what the money will be used for.
Always use good judgment and common sense when organizing, hosting or attending SparkRallies. When using the Internet to communicate with someone, there’s no way to know for sure that they are who they say they are. So keep this in mind if you're considering meeting with another member. Pick a public place where there are a lot of people around and arrange to meet there instead of meeting privately or riding together.
These tips aren't meant to scare you, but rather to ensure your safety as you use our site and potentially meet up with people whom you meet online. There are many wonderful benefits to participating in SparkRallies, and we want your experience to be as positive as possible!
*SparkRallies are organized and run by members. SparkPeople does not endorse, sponsor or organize these Rallies or other member-organized offline meetings.