Pregnancy Articles

Week 9: Don't Forget to Snack

Your Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy

Your Baby This Week

Your baby continues to grow to about the size of a ripe, juicy, and adorable grape-about 1 inch to 1.25 inches (3.2 cm) long.

Baby's arms and legs are growing longer, and the shapes of the wrist and fingers are forming while the hands fold gently over his or her heart. Toes are starting to appear, too!

Your baby's neck is also forming, so that the head is now slightly lifted from the chest. Ears and eyes are fully formed, but without eyelids. And, your baby is a small ball of energy as his or her limbs and body are starting to move (although you won't feel it just yet).

Your Body This Week

Morning sickness will likely continue, and your clothes will begin feeling tighter, especially around the waist. You may also experience food aversions or food cravings and your moods may go up and down a bit like you're having PMS. Relax. It's just due to the hormones, and you'll feel fine again soon.

Squeezing in Some Squats

Finding time for fitness may be one of your greatest pregnancy challenges. But if you can set up some smart systems ahead of time, the payoff can be huge! Just think--less stress, more energy, an easier delivery, better sleep--all for the cost of just a few minutes of planning and preparation. For example, simply rescheduling your arrival and departure time from work to avoid traffic might shave enough drive time off your schedule that finding time for a bike ride isn't a problem anymore. Read on for some time-saving workout tips.

Ideas To Snack On

The days just got shorter, didn't they? Somehow in the last couple of months, the normal 24-hour day got pared down to 20 or so and you never have free time. Or at least that's the way it seems. To adjust to the new time crunch, you'll need to adjust your eating habits if you hope to stay healthy. Easy, nutritious snacking is a perfect place to start. And it's not as difficult as you might think. Here are plenty of ideas for convenient, healthy snacking.
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