Pregnancy Articles

Get a Better Night's Sleep with BabyFit!

Win BabyFit Gear by Joining the Monthly Challenge Team

When women approach motherhood, their world is turned upside down. We work like mad, satisfying the needs of those around us, crash into the pillow, wake up to soothe a scared child in the middle of the night, struggle to go back to sleep and stay asleep and then rise in the morning wondering when we will ever get rest.

Each month, the BabyFit Monthly Challenge MommyTeam chooses a topic that is designed to help you focus on yourself as a woman and a mother, while giving you flexibility to choose goals that work for you and your loved ones. The July challenge is to fight fatigue and get more rest.

Throughout the month, share your victories, updates and stories with fellow team members. Whether you are trying to conceive, awaiting your baby's arrival or raising your kids, sharing your story helps you stay connected with BabyFit staff and community members who have been through it before and with others who can draw on you for inspiration, too.

Participating in the Challenge is easy! Simply join the BabyFit Monthly Challenge MommyTeam and post your goal by July 31, 2009. (Find details below.) Review the official rules here.

How to Participate:
  1. Test your sleep knowledge by taking the BabyFit Sleep Quiz.
  2. Pick two ways to get more sleep into your daily routine. Use these resources and find suggestions that work well for you.
  3. These articles can help you get started:
  4. Track your progress by adding a custom goal in BabyFit. (Go to your start page and click on "Add Custom Goal" in the pink Quick Track box.)
  5. Share info about what you are doing to get a better night sleep by replying to the July Monthly Challenge thread by midnight Eastern Standard Time on July 31, 2009.
If you have questions about the contest, please contact "samanthababyfit" via MommyMail.

On August 1, 2009 the BabyFit team will randomly select three participants to receive a prize from BabyFit.

For more support, join one of these MommyTeams:

Co-sleepers Anonymous

We Need Sleep
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