This is the printable version of our Bootcamp Day 7 Workout Video. We recommend that you watch the video (and read its supporting text) before trying this abbreviated version.
Climbing a Rope Crunches
12 reps
Lie on your back with your lower back flat to the floor, legs extended in line with the hips, ankles crossed, and arms reaching up in line with the shoulders.
Exhale and engage the abs to lift your shoulder blades off the mat as you reach your right hand up and to the left as if climbing a rope up.
Inhale and lower back down to the starting position.
Exhale and engage the abs to lift your shoulder blades off the mat as you reach your left hand up and to the right as if grabbing a rope and climbing higher.
Inhale and lower back down to complete one rep.

Bicycle Crunches
10 slow reps, 8 fast reps
Lie on your back with your abs engaged, legs in tabletop (knees bent in line with the hips, shins parallel to the floor), hands behind the head for light support.
Exhale and crunch up, twisting from the waist to bring your right elbow towards your left knee as your opposite leg extends.
Inhale and return to center, keeping shoulder blades lifted.
Exhale switch sides to complete one rep.

Toe Touch Crunches
8 reps
Lie on your back with abs engaged, left foot flat on the floor (and left knee bent), right leg extended up in line with the hip, right hand behind the head and neck, and left arm extended up in line with the shoulder.
Exhale and engage the abs to lift the shoulder blades from the mat as you reach your left hand towards your right toes.
Inhale and lower your shoulder blades back down as your lower your right leg towards the floor (as far as you can without arching your back), and your right arm overhead to complete one rep.
Finish all reps on this side before switching.

Double Leg Lowers
10 reps
Lie on your back with abs engaged, hands behind the head and neck, back flat to the mat, and legs extended up in line with the hips.
Inhale and lower your legs towards the floor, as far as you can without allowing your back to arch.
Exhale and slowly pull your legs back up to hip level to complete one rep.

Side Plank with Crunches
8 reps
Lie on your left side, legs stacked, abs engaged, elbow directly under your shoulder, and top hand by your ear, elbow up. Lift your hips up off the ground and hold, breathing steadily. Hold 15-30 seconds.
Exhale and crunch downward, twisting from the waist and bringing your top elbow towards the floor.
Inhale and bring the elbow back up to the start position to complete one rep.
Finish all reps on this side and then switch sides to do the Side Plank and Side Plank with Crunch before moving to the next exercise.

Plank with Pike
8 reps
Start in a plank position, with hands clasped together, elbows under your shoulders, forearms flat, toes curled under, and body "hovering" above your mat in a nice straight line with the abs pulled in tight.
Exhale, keeping the abs pulled in, and "pike" your hips up towards the ceiling, shifting your weight back and brining your head to a natural position between the arms.
Inhale and slowly lower back down to the plank position to complete one rep.

Lower Back Extensions
8 reps, 1 hold, 8 pulses
Lie flat on your stomach, legs extended, elbows bent, hands behind the ears, and neck in a neutral position in line with the spine.
Exhale and lift your chest away from the floor (keeping neck in line with the spine) to engage your lower back.
Inhale and slowly lower back down to complete one rep.

Don't forget to stretch!