Printable 15-Minute Ball Workout

This is the printable version of our 15-Minute Ball Workout Video. We recommend that you watch the video (and read its supporting text) before trying this abbreviated version.

Squats with Ball Lift
15 reps



Stand with feet wider than the hips, toes turned outward, hands gripping the ball. Bend the knees and squat down as you lift the ball overhead and straighten the legs to push back up as you lower the ball down.



Keep your weight in your heels, your abs engaged, and sit back as if sitting into a chair. Squeeze the ball to engage your upper body.



Exhale as stand back up and inhale as you lower down.



Calf Raises with Ball Hold



15 reps



Stand with feet wider than the hips, toes turned outward, hands gripping the ball at shoulder height.  Hold the arms steady as you lift the heels up away from the floor and then slowly lower the heels back down.



Keep your abs engaged. Squeeze the ball and try to keep it lifted in line with the chest or shoulders. 



Exhale as you lift the heels and inhale as you lower them down.



Plank on Ball



Hold up to 30 seconds



Place your elbows and forearms on the top of the ball and straighten your legs. Balance your weight between the balls of the feet and your arms on the ball, pulling your abs in tight, maintaining a straight line with your body.



Don't lift the hips up too high or let them droop down towards the floor. Don't lean your torso into the ball.



Breathe steady.



Kneeling Rollout with Ball



15 reps



Clasp your hands together and place them on the ball in front of you as you sit on your knees.  Engage the abs and roll the ball forward, straightening the body into a plank position. Use the abs to roll the ball back in to the starting position. 



Don't let your torso rest on the ball. Keep toes on the floor to make it easier, or lift toes off the floor to add challenge.



Inhale as you roll forward and exhale as you return to the start position. 



Leg Lifts on Ball



15 reps, 1 hold



Lie on the ball (near your hips) and place your hands on the floor underneath your shoulders. Lift your toes just off the floor, squeezing your legs together and keeping them straight. Lift your straight legs up and slowly lower them back down.



Keep your abs engaged, your head and neck in line with the spine.  Don't use momentum—keep you movement slow and controlled.



Exhale as you lift your legs and inhale as you lower your legs.



Pushups on Ball



15 reps



Lie on the ball (near your hips) and place your hands on the floor underneath your shoulders. Walk your hands forward so the ball is on your hips (or closer to your feet for more intensity). Keeping your body in a straight line, bend the elbows to lower your upper body towards the floor and straighten the arms to push back up.



Exhale as you pushup and inhale as you lower down.



Child's Pose Stretch with Ball



Hold for 10-30 seconds

Walk back off of the ball and kneel on the floor.  Drop to your knees and shift your body weight back over your heels as you roll the ball forward to extend your arms.

Relax through your shoulders and neck.

Breathe deeply.



Double Leg Lifts with Ball



15 reps



Lie on your mat with your bottom arm extended to support your head and neck, your top hand on the floor in front of you for support. Hold the ball between your legs. Squeeze the ball and lift your legs up and then slowly lower them down.



Keep your body in a straight line with the abs engaged.



Exhale as you lift up and inhale as you lower down.



Repeat on the opposite side before moving to the next exercise.



Twisting Crunch with Ball



15 reps



Lie at the edge of your mat, placing your left heel on top of the stability ball. Cross your right ankle at the left knee, placing your hands behind the neck for support. Crunch up, twisting to bring your left shoulder toward your right knee, and then slowly lower down.



Keep your abs engaged and your hands lightly supporting the neck.



Exhale as your crunch up and inhale as you lower.



Repeat on the opposite side before moving to the next exercise.



Hamstring Flexion with Ball



15 reps



Lie at the edge of your mat, placing your heels on top of the stability ball and your arms at your side. Push your weight down into the ball for resistance. Bend the knees and roll the ball in towards you and then extend the legs to push the ball back out.



 To make it advanced, bridge the hips up and keep them lifted as you roll the ball in and out.



Exhale as you roll the ball in and inhale as you push the ball out.



Abs Stretch



Hold for 10-30 seconds

Extend your arms overhead and your legs out. Stretch your abs, like you're reaching your fingertips and toes to opposite walls.

Breathe deeply.



Lying Hamstring and Glute Stretches



Hold each for 10-30 seconds



Keeping your right leg extended, lift your left leg up and pull it gently towards you. Hold and breathe deeply.



Cross your left ankle at your right knee and gently pull the legs in towards you, grasping the back of your right thigh.  Hold and breathe deeply.



Repeat on the opposite side before moving to the next stretch.



Shoulder Stretch
Hold for 10-30 seconds

Sit tall, legs crossed in front of you. Engage the abs and bring your left arm across your chest, holding it below the elbow.

Keep the shoulders relaxed down and away from your ears.

Breathe deeply. Repeat on opposite side.

Upper Back Stretch
Hold for 10-30 seconds

Sit tall, legs crossed in front of you. Engage the abs and extend your arms up toward the ceiling.  As you squeeze your shoulder blades together, pull the elbows down and back. 

Hold the stretch and breathe deeply. Repeat one more time.



Forward Bend Stretch

Hold for 10-30 seconds

Sit tall, legs crossed in front of you. Place hand on the floor. Relax your head and neck down and bend forward, walking your hands forward as far as you can. Hold the stretch and breathe deeply. Slowly roll the spine back up to finish your workout.