Stationary Bike Workouts to Increase Speed

Want to bike faster? This program will help increase the cadence (pedal speed) that you're able to maintain while biking or spinning. If you're new to using a stationary bike or exercising, start with the Beginner program. As you progress, slowly increase your time and eventually move to the Intermediate and Advanced workouts. Because this is a general program, you may need to adjust the recommended speeds, intensities, and times to suit your fitness level.

This program assumes the levels on your stationary bicycle go from one to 20. If this is not the case, adjust based on comfort level. Use the intensity guidelines (right column) as a guide for how hard to work. (Find a full explanation of intensity below the workouts).

Beginner Speed Program
 Adjust the bike to  Keep your pace  For how long  Intensity (1-10)
 Level 1, low resistance  Comfortable  5 minutes  3.5
 Level 3, medium resistance  Moderate  2 minutes  5
 Level 4, medium resistance  Fast  2 minutes  6
 Level 3, medium resistance  Moderate  5 minutes  5
 Level 5, medium-high resistance  Fast  3 minutes  7.5
 Level 3, medium resistance  Moderate  2 minutes  5
 Level 1, low resistance  Slow  5 minutes  3.5
Total Beginner Workout Time: 24 minutes

Intermediate Speed Program
 Adjust the bike to  Keep your pace  For how long  Intensity (1-10)
 Level 3, low resistance  Comfortable  5 minutes  3.5
 Level 5, medium resistance  Moderate  2 minutes  5
 Level 6, medium resistance  Fast  2 minutes  6
 Level 5, medium resistance  Moderate  5 minutes  5
 Level 7, medium-high resistance  Fast  3 minutes  7.5
 Level 5, medium resistance  Moderate  4 minutes  5
 Level 6, medium resistance  Fast  2 minutes  6
 Level 5, medium resistance  Moderate  5 minutes  5
 Level 7, medium-high resistance  Fast  3 minutes  7.5
 Level 5, medium resistance  Moderate  2 minutes  5
 Level 3, low resistance  Slow  5 minutes  3.5
Total Intermediate Workout Time: 38 minutes

Advanced Speed Program
 Adjust the bike to  Keep your pace  For how long Intensity (1-10)
 Level 5, low resistance  Comfortable  5 minutes  3.5
 Level 7, medium resistance  Moderate  2 minutes  5
 Level 8, medium resistance  Fast  2 minutes  6
 Level 7, medium resistance  Moderate  5 minutes  5
 Level 9, medium-high resistance  Fast  3 minutes  7.5
 Level 7, medium resistance  Moderate  4 minutes  5
 Level 8, medium resistance  Fast  2 minutes  6
 Level 7, medium resistance  Moderate  5 minutes  5
 Level 9, medium-high resistance  Fast  3 minutes  7.5
 Level 7, medium resistance  Moderate  4 minutes  5
 Level 8, medium resistance  Fast  2 minutes  6
 Level 7, medium resistance  Moderate  5 minutes  5
 Level 9, medium-high resistance  Fast  3 minutes  7.5
 Level 7, medium resistance  Moderate  2 minutes  5
 Level 5, low resistance  Slow  5 minutes  3.5
Total Advanced Workout Time: 52 minutes

An Explanation of Using the RPE Method to Measure Intensity

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) may be the most versatile method to measure exercise intensity for all age groups. Using this method is simple, because all you have to do is estimate how hard you feel like you’re exerting yourself during exercise. RPE is a good measure of intensity because it is individualized—it’s based on your current fitness level and overall perception of exercise. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, allowing you to rate how you feel physically and mentally at a given intensity level.
An RPE between five and seven is recommended for most adults. This means that at the height of your workout, you should feel you are working "somewhat hard" to "hard."