All Entries For molly galbraith

The Top 5 Myths about Women and Strength Training

Could a false belief in these pervasive myths be preventing you from reaping the benefits of strength training? Here's the real truth about women and weight lifting.
Posted 4/29/2014  5:00:00 AM By:   : 61 comments   99,441 views
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4 Tips to Stop the Fat Talk for Good

Stop beating yourself up about every little flaw! Here's how to accept your body right now--not 10 pounds from now.
Posted 4/17/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 92 comments   129,780 views
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5 Motivating Goals That Result in Weight Loss (without Trying)

Step away from the scale! Here are five goals to focus on besides your weight--that will actually help you lose more weight in the long run.
Posted 2/12/2014  12:00:00 AM By:   : 152 comments   246,217 views
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Why 'Fitspiration' Isn't So Inspirational

All of those ''fitspirational'' images online may be more harmful than you think. Here's how to feel empowered without the unrealistic pictures and mantras.
Posted 11/29/2013  12:00:00 AM By:   : 173 comments   110,288 views
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How Your Genes Affect Your Jean Size

Everyone is born with a certain body type and shape that we can't change. What we can change is how we choose to take care of our bodies!
Posted 11/7/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 82 comments   140,755 views
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Is Being Really Lean Really Worth It?

Is being super lean really all it's cracked up to be? Here's a trainer's take on whether it's worth the work to aim for a ''perfect'' physique.
Posted 8/1/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 164 comments   218,530 views
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