All Entries For diet myths

Are 'Negative Calorie' Foods Real (or Too Good to Be True)?

"Eat as much of these foods as you want without gaining weight!" Sounds great, but is it true?
Posted 2/28/2014  6:00:00 AM By:   : 58 comments   166,108 views
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Do Detox Diets Work? Are They Safe?

With spring just around the corner, our thoughts turn to spring cleaning. Does your body need a "spring cleaning"? Before you turn to a detox diet, read what Becky has to say.
Posted 3/8/2013  12:00:00 PM By:   : 73 comments   145,689 views
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Do Raspberry Ketones Really Help You Lose Weight?

Before you jump on the raspberry ketone bandwagon, there are a few things you should know about this over-priced, proclaimed weight-loss miracle in a bottle.
Posted 3/6/2013  6:00:00 AM By:   : 50 comments   165,843 views
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Diet Myth #5: Baking and Steaming are the Only 'Healthy' Cooking Methods

Diet Myth #5: Baking and steaming are the only cooking methods you need to know. Roasting is another healthy cooking method. Learn how to roast today.
Posted 1/6/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 39 comments   48,840 views
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Diet Myth #4: Fat-Free Foods are the Best Choice

EAT ENOUGH fat (20 percent to 35 percent of your daily calories). This will bring the pleasure and satisfaction back to your meals so you’re less likely to overeat later.
Posted 1/5/2012  6:00:00 PM By:   : 32 comments   25,637 views
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Diet Myth #3: Cut Salt and Fat, Forgo Flavor

Diet Myth #3: Cut back on salt and fat, forgo flavor. There are tricks to impart flavor with almost zero calories. When you’re watching fat and calories, use herbs, and spices.
Posted 1/4/2012  10:00:00 AM By:   : 37 comments   23,881 views
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Diet Myth #2: Plain Vegetables are Better for You

Diet Myth #2: Plain Vegetables are Better for You.
Love broccoli with a bit of butter? Want some (reduced-fat) ranch with that salad? Go ahead. We insist!
Posted 1/3/2012  6:00:00 PM By:   : 43 comments   33,245 views
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Diet Myth #1: Watching Your Weight? Then Eat Less

Diet Myth #1: When you're watching your weight, you have to eat less. No Way! Fill up your plate with healthy food so the eyes and the stomach are satisfied.
Posted 1/2/2012  5:00:00 PM By:   : 21 comments   41,221 views
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