You probably spend a lot of time thinking about what you eat. Reading food labels, counting calories, checking fat grams, measuring portion sizes—it's all important. But do you also consider when you eat? Smart snacking isn't detrimental to your diet, but too much post-dinner noshing and wee-hour refrigerator raiding could not only lead to weight gain, but could also keep you from getting the quality sleep you need to be fit, healthy and well-rested. Some evidence has shown that nighttime eating—particularly higher-fat foods—can disrupt sleep patterns. And low-quality slumber does more than just leave you crabby and unproductive the next day: Over time, it can also increase cravings for unhealthy foods and the likelihood of weight gain. Of course, there will inevitably be times when a crazy schedule, evening workout or prime-time social event makes it difficult to avoid eating later than you'd like. And it's not always a bad thing, as long as you're truly hungry and aren't stuck in an unhealthy habit of eating at night. "Most people are active during the day and need fuel during the day," explains Kimberly Gomer M.S., R.D., L.D.N., the Director of Nutrition at Pritikin Longevity Center + Spa. "The habit of eating after dinner can be a way to decompress from the day—but there are times when we don’t necessarily need fuel, just relaxation. That’s when it can cause trouble for a good night's sleep. On the other hand, if you took a spin class after dinner, then came home and wanted a snack because you were hungry, you shouldn't hesitate to have a healthy snack." 5 Foods & Beverages to Avoid After 8:00Although mealtimes can fluctuate, experts say there are certain foods that should be contained to daytime hours. When you do decide to indulge after dinner, try to steer clear of these eight notorious sleep-wreckers.