Members Share How They Save at the Pump

Remember the days when gas cost less than a dollar a gallon? We do, too. While there's nothing we can do to lower the prices at the pump, we can each take steps to use less fuel and make our vehicles more efficient. Here, SparkPeople members share how they save money on gas—and sometimes get a workout in the process!
  • "I take the bus to work when I can."

  • "My hubby drives during work so he runs errands if he can. From picking up prescriptions to dropping something off to a family member, it saves big time on gas."

  • "I have cut down on gas by taking my bills when we go walking and dropping them in night slots or in the mailbox."

  • " I try to commute by bike twice per week. Because it's 17 miles one way, I drive in with my bike and then bike home. The next morning, I ride my bike in, and that way I always have my car with me if I need it."

  • "I try to group my kids' activities close enough together that it take fewer trips with the car."

  • "Call ahead to make sure a prescription is ready before you make a trip to pick it."
    -- TRAVIS07

  • "We put every purchase on a credit card that gives us 5% cash back on groceries and gas purchases. We pay the entire balance off every month so we never pay a finance charge. Once a year we get a credit towards our bill. In February, we got over $600 back for free!"

  • "I try to do all errands on my way home from work so I can leave my truck parked over the weekend."

  • "We have two cars, but one gets better gas mileage. My husband and I make sure whoever will be driving more during the day gets the more efficient car."

  • "I stop off at the store on the way home instead of making special trips back out to the stores."

    "The biggest savings I've achieved was slowing down. I have to take the highway to work, and most cars travel 65 mph despite the limit of 55 mph. This week alone, by making a point of staying under the speed limit, I used 1/2 tank of gas versus the normal 3/4 tank. Tests have shown dropping from 65 mph to 55 mph can save up to 20% of your gas use."
How do you save money on gas? Are you driving less or changing your habits on the road? Share your tip in the comments section!